Nothing will be the same again

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Deidaras POV
I wake up to a someone knocking on the door. My legs and ass feel like fire I'll have to punch obtio tomorrow "Hurry up guys!" The voice from outside the door whisper yells and it sounds like Konan. I open the door and I'm right it's Konan but she seems worried.

"Deidara you and tobi need to go!" She says pushing past me probably to wake up obito. "Why what's going on?" I ask her while she's shaking obtio awake not even noticing his mask is off. "Deidara let's just say the rest of us will meet a old friend but you guys are leaving."

"Who's the old friend?" Obtio asks putting his mask on. "Well Orochimaru and Kabuto have reanimated..." she pauses to hug me "sasori." She whispers out loud enough for us to hear. "So that's the file and crap Itachi had!" Obtio or should I say tobi.

Past me would have probably broke down and cried but I just feel worried. I remember the first time I found out he died I couldn't eat or sleep but the words "you don't stop living just because someone's gone." Itachi had told me that before taking me to eat dango.

Now I have the love of my life standing right in front of me well behind Konan but he is the only thing that matters. I can hear a bunch a noise and what seems like stuff getting thrown but I can hear hidan yelling and that's all I need to run off and try and find him.

"DEI!" I can hear both Konan and obtio yell as I suck up the pain in my legs and  run outside to see complete hell breaking loose. I look to my right and see kakuzu, hidan and kisame fighting a hooded figure. To my right pain and Itachi are fighting Orochimaru. Straight ahead I see Zetsu fighting kabuto. Koan was probably helping zetsu not like he needs it.

Before I can run over and help I'm getting dragging over to the hooded figure with what seems like strings. Once I reach the person they take off the hood and mask and I immediately know who it is just by the hair.

"You really think he loves you. You are a prop for him to take over the akatsuki and a lot more." Sasori whispers to me but I can't believe that. He punches me right across my cheek probably making a bruise. "DEIDARA" I can hear obtio yell but this time it's different he's yelling as obtios in front of everyone.

I try and jump back but this stupid sting won't let me. I look up at his eyes but they are cold they aren't filled with life or any love he had before. I get pushed back by Itachi somehow breaking the string. I grab some clay and make a few spiders nothing to big because or how close everyone else is.

"katsu" I watch in amazement as the little spiders explode all around sasori "NOW THATS ART!" I yell out to him thinking about our past arguments. The smoke clears to reveal nothing absolutely nothing just the air. "HIDAN!" I look over to see what kakuzu was yelling about only to regret it.

Kakuzu is sitting on the ground holding hidan who has blood coming out of his mouth due to the kunai in his chest. "NO!" I yell running over to them "hidan please" I whisper out watching the life drain from his eyes. I look up to kakuzu and see him crying "hidan please wake up" he whispers kissing his forehead. 

"EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!" Pain yells realizing the outcome of this fight won't end well. I try and find obtio but all I find is a dead kabuto "yep I did that now let's go" he whispers grabbing my hand. I can see everyone jumping away except for Orochimaru, sasori, and kakuzu.

"ILL KILL YOU!" Kakuzu yells out trying to run and sasori but obtio grabs him. "Come on let's go." He jumps off into the trees with a crying kakuzu in his arms. I try and run off but I'm stopped by a nasty tongue wrapped around my waist "you aren't going anywhere till I have your body"

I try to break free but I'm left with only one option left. "Fine you can have my body" I tell him as I get pulled closer by his nasty tongue. I take off my shirt and throw it to the side. "DEIDARA NO!" I look back and see my love obito running to me but getting into a fight with sasori.

I use the mouth on my hand to undo the thread I have on my chest showing a huge mouth. I stick some clay in it but before anything can happen I kiss my ring. I promised I would never take it off and I will keep the promise even if I'm dead. "I'm sorry and I love you tobi don't let anyone tell you different." I look over to see him stumbling back. I can also see sasori dead again on the ground and hidans dead body.

"I LOVE YOU. KATSU!" I yell out before I commit. I'm coming hidan and we can watch over obtio and kakuzu from above-oh who am I kidding we are going to hell.

Obtios POV
"DEIDARA NO!" I yell watching the love of my life turn into and explosion. "P-please no deidara I love you." I run over to him after the explosion. Somehow his body was kept intact which means he could still be alive!
I grab his hand a see the ring he said he won't take off "dei?" I whisper shaking him a bit but nothing happens.

I can see my tears drop down onto his Hand. I sigh as the others come back probably knowing what deidara did. "Come on let's give them a proper burial" Konan whispers holding my shoulder.

Pain and kisame digs two graves one for my love and on for kakuzus. I pick deidara up and place him down in the little grave they made and kiss his cheek. "I love you and I always will" I whisper to him. I watch as kakuzu puts hidan in his grave also kissing and whispering something to him.

"Deidara explosion probably alerted people and well our place is destroyed so we'll need to lay low and find a new place" pain says before we have our moment of silence. Everything will be different now and it will never go back to normal. There will be no more jokes from hidan to calm everyone down and I won't be able to cuddle or kiss deidara again.

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