Call it a date

194 9 2

Obtios POV
I sigh as I lay deidara down in my bed. He's been through so much In the last few days. I just have to hope he forgets about his village and his sasuke mission. I should probably take him out somewhere to relax him. I pull the covers over him as I lay next him him wrapping my arms around him kissing his cheek.

I close my eyes nuzzling into deidaras neck inhaling his intoxicating sent. God I can't get enough of him I want to make him mine so bad. Tomorrow I should take him to a dango shop then we can swim in the water fall that's a few miles away. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep dreaming of a nice night laying down on a blanket with deidara watching the stars with the sound of owls hooting all around us in the trees.

I turn to look at him leaning in closer our lips almost touching as deidara giggles. "I love y-" deidara starts to say "obito wake up" I look up and see Itachi standing there. How the hell did he get in my dream. I open my eyes to see Itachi standing in the door way with someone behind him. I pull my mask back down and get out of bed tucking deidara in before I leave.

"Kakuzu long time no see" I say to him as I walk out the room with them closing the door behind me so deidara won't wake up. "We need your help to protect deidara and the rest of us" a voice says behind me sounding like pain "Ahhh don't scare tobi like tha-" I try saying in my tobi voice looking up at him realizing his frown. "What's wrong" I ask turning around to look at the others with a frown on their faces.

"It's deidara. Konan found out that something is wrong with deidaras mind" pain tells me while konan walks up behind him. "He's going to be okay his mind just needs a few days to heal and you can take him out on a date still" konan says while chuckling into her hand.

Tsk why do they always have to be nosy it gets annoying at times. I look up to kakuzu being the only one standing in front of me I scan the room noticing Itachi left. "He got jealous of the date and left that's my guess" konan tells me while she walks away chuckling as pain follows her leaving me with kakuzu. "So wanna get drinks" he asks me walking to his room.

Kakuzu probably has about 30 bottles of vodka and other drinks in his room for god knows what. "No thanks I'm going back to bed" I tell him walking into my room "o-bito what's going on" I look to my left to see deidara leaning against the wall with a knife stuck in his gut with blood pooling out of his mouth. "Deid-" I try saying his name and running to him only to be stopped by deidara standing up and walking to me.

"Tobi wake up" he tells me as he puts his hand on my cheek with his other hand slowly lifting up my mask. This is all a dream it has to be I close my eyes and count to 10 before opening them again. I look around to see konan watching me with a clipboard in her hand "you passed out once you entered your room kakuzu found you a few minutes after." I nod still wondering what just happened. "You are severely dehydrated and you need some rest."

I nod getting out of the bed I'm in feeling a bit dizzy and woozy but I still want to be with deidara. "Dei is in Itachis room. He woke up and noticed you gone but itachi swooped in and brought dei to his room" konan tells me making my blood boil. I walk out the room mumbling a thanks to her and walk to Itachis room. I go to knock on the door only to be stopped by deidara giggling behind the door.

"Deidara come out here now" I tell him while knocking on the door until someone opens it. Once it's open deidara and Itachi walk out and close the door behind them "come on we are going somewhere" I say grabbing his hand glaring at Itachi pulling my deidara outside. "Obtio stop" deidara tells me but I keep going I won't stop till we are far enough from itachi.

Deidaras POV
I need a way for obito to stop dragging me. "Hey look it's the blonde kids boyfriend what's his name again. Oh right look it's sasuke" I tell him making him stop right away and wrap his arms around me. "I don't sense anything are you sure it's him" he asks me looking around for sasuke. I chuckle at him making him loosen his grip on my waist "that wasn't a funny joke" he tells me making me laugh even more knowing the powerful obito fell for that.

"Do you really get that jealous when I'm with Itachi" I ask him sitting on the ground looking around only to realize the base isn't anywhere within eyesight. I look back at him only to see him nod "quick question where are we" I say looking around once more to only see trees and plants. "Deidara/deidara senpai" he says in his obtio and tobi voice making me laugh a little bit

"yes obtio/tobi" I reply back mocking his tobi voice. "Deidara would you like to go on date" he asks me making me second guess my whole life this can't be real. No way he just asked me out "it's okay to say no" he tells me turning around. "Ha obito you idiot of course I would go out with you" I tell him hugging him making him gasp a bit and turn to hug me. He grabs my hand and lifts up his mask "don't you d-" I try stopping him.

I can feel his shit eating grin against my hand as he kisses my finger tips making my hand react by getting spit everywhere. "Tsk deidara your hand is already enjoying this" he tells me before he starts kissing around the mouth in my hand. "You should act like tobi more often tobi would never have enough confidence to do this" I tell him sucking in my breath as he starts kissing my hand.

It takes about 5 minutes for me to get my hand away from him "come on let's go get some dango I'm getting hungry for something" he tells me making me blush "l-let's go we can call it a date" I tell him jumping in his back "you have to carry me" I hear him chuckle as he starts walking to the dango shop.

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