Battle to the death

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Deidaras POV
"Goodbye and good luck guys" I tell them as they leave still not knowing what their mission is. "Deidara your going with them" pain tells me scaring the crap out of me "Ugggh why" I just got out of the hospital I can't go back. "You need to get back out there and work on your ability's I can't have a rusty deidara now go" he tells me pushing me towards obito and Itachi.
"What's the mission" I ask them as we walk past a beautiful swing swaying in the wind with vines and flowers growing on the tree is hanging off of. Ahh that's why it looks familiar me and my man sasori used to sit on that swing for hours. On that swing was the first time me and sasori kissed, we decided to stay friends so we could focus on missions but still it just makes it harder to fully get over him.

"SENPAI HURRY UP" I look ahead of me to see Itachi and obito like 2 miles away from me. I guess I got lost in thought. "COMING" I yell back running after them. Once I catch up I'm way to out of breath to keep going "so what's the mission" hopefully it's not some stupid undercover mission like that last one I was on. I had to spend 29 days with that stupid tobi persona and he couldn't even tell me he was obito. "Owe senpai what was that for" obito says rubbing his head as I smack him. "Why are you still acting like tobi and why didn't you tell me before" I ask him getting ready to smack him again until he puts his hands up.

"Just in case we run into someone that doesn't know" he's got a point I guess I shouldn't hit him. "Our mission is to go undercover in kumogakure" Itachi tells me while jumping on the trees. Of course a undercover mission "gre-" I try saying something until I get cut off by obitos hand covering my mouth as Itachi jumps down from the trees grabbing a kunai in the process. I push obtios hand away from my face signaling that I won't say anything.

I grab the clay out of my pockets and make a bird to scope out the area from above. I fly up and look around to see about 5 or 6 ninjas but their headbands are from Iwagakure. what the hell is going on here. I see obtio look up at me so I put up 6 fingers to tell him out many. He nods but doesn't look away until he puts up 2 fingers and points behind me. I turn around to be met with a kunai to go flying past my head cutting my ear.

"Well well well look what we have here" one of them says as they reach into their pocket to probably get a kunai. But to my surprise he grabbed clay could he be like me- no that's silly don't think that. I quickly reach into my pockets and make a bunch of little spiders that crawl all over them "katsu" I smile as they all explode hopefully killing the other ninjas. "Not to fast I can do the same thing you aren't that special" I hear someone whisper into my ear "katsu" they say as a bird flys right at me burning my arm in the process. "How" I ask the two ninjas that are now in front of me. "We were made in a lab to prefect your justu and kill you for betraying the village."

"Well then I'll just give you a fight and come out victorious" I tell them getting ready to make my favorite thing in the world. My C4 dragon. "Don't even think about a dragon that won't even damage us" the girl ninja says how the hell did she read my mind. "I didn't get so lucky with explosions but I'm able to read minds and create illusions" she does some hand signs and before I know it I see sasori in front of me. No he's dead. I create some spiders again and plant them on sasori "KATSU" I yell turning my head not being able to look at the already dead sasori. I look up to hear laughing "let's get this over with" I tell them grabbing more clay making huge bird probably bigger than hidans large loud mouth. I glance to the ground to see obito and Itachi having problems with the ninjas crap if they can't beat them then we're in trouble.

I send the bird flying right at them making sure they got wrapped in the clay as I make another bird to fly down and grab Itachi and obito in the process. "Thanks senpai I was getting tired back there" obtio says while laying down with his hands behind his head. "It's not over yet these ninjas are from my old village so they must be after us for a reason" I tell them making a bunch of clay spiders to find the other bird. "Deidara ahead" Itachi tells me while obtio gets up. "Can you guys swim" I ask them. They both nod looking down to see a river below us I kick them off the bird making sure to fly low enough so they won't get hurt.

"Katsu" I watch as the bird in front of me with the ninjas on it blow up into oblivion. "KATSU" I hear someone from the smoke it sounds like the boy and before I know it my bird is also blowing up I guess they snuck something on it. I fall to the ground on top of the boy ninja. I tilt my head to look at the body on the ground hoping it's not obito or Itachi I see the girl I was fighting before I'm guessing it's his sister and she doesn't seem to be breathing. "You will pa-" he stops mid sentence "are you ok" I turn around to see Itachi and his sharingan activated.

"Yeah I'm fine" I tell him looking for obito "where is obito" I ask him looking around. "Right here senpai don't worry" I hear him say as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "He was just like me" I tell them looking at my hands "well one thing separates you guys and that is he's dead and your alive" Itachi tells me while he goes to stab the boy "Don't we can take him in for questioning. I've already sent a signal to pain and konan"

I look back down at my hands watching the tongue lick the teeth in my hands getting spit everywhere. How was he like me more importantly why. I have to go back to my village and find out why and how that just happened. "You guys go ahead I've got other plans" I tell them getting up and ready to walk away. "After the mission pain gave us we can go to your village and figure this out" obito tells me while walking ahead of me and Itachi. "We'll only be there for 3 days so after that we can go" Itachi tells me walking next to obtio.

I begin to walk only to stop by the girls body. I can't help but feel bad for her. I squat next to her body and close her eyes "I'll see you in the after life and you can and will explain this"I whisper to her while walking away and catching up the the others.

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