Making a move

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Itachis POV
"I don't care what you say I'm staying with Itachi so go live with rin or something" I hear deidara tell obito. I just hope he doesn't find out about my feelings until tonight. I've got the perfect night set up first we'll have a nice dinner with Just the two of us no hidan or obito to mess everything up. Last time I tried taking deidara on a date they built a fort from hidans room to obitos and of course my room had to be in the middle of it making sure I couldn't hang with deidara. Now that he's staying with me for now I'll have a easier chance of getting with him. "Hey tobi pain says you and Itachi have to go on a mission" Konan says walking in the room. Crap this was my one chance to ask him by the time we get back he'll probably be kissing obitos ass again. I just nod and try and walk out before being stopped "also before you boys go I would like to know who the hell broke the door" she's asks us "Tobi and kakuzu broke it" obito tells her in that annoying voice everyone hates. "I've got plans tonight so I'm having kisame sub for me" I tell her sitting next to the bed deidara is in "yeah I'm going to have hidan take my place as well" obito tells Konan great this dumbass just doesn't give up. He needs to know that deidara is mine "dei you'll be able to leave in a few hours" Konan tells him while she unhooks him from most of the machines. "I'll help you move out of tobis room and into mine tobi why don't you come help me" if obito wants a fight he's going to get one. "Sure tobi will be gald to help" I'm already on my way to their shared room when he runs up to me.

"Itachi he's staying in my room" I can't help but chuckle he must think that deep voice of his is so scary. "How could you tell him about rin" he asks me while he has the nerve to block the door so I can't get in. "Answer me damn it" I guess I must have made him mad because within seconds he had the collar of my shirt pulling me closer almost like we would kiss. "If  you want a fight I'll gladly give you one but for now deidara is staying with me" I just push him away I don't have time to deal with this nonsense. "Okay I just watched that whole thing go on so what the hell is wrong with you guys" I look up to see hidan standing there crossing his arms "it was nothing tobi just wanted a hug" god I hate that voice "hidan what are you doing here" I ask him hoping I'll be able to sneak into the room. "I came down to check on deidara and first off I'm not going to do your mission today and kisame said you have to do it yourself" great I'll have to be with that idiot for god knows how long "anyway I'll go check on deidara have fun with whatever you were doing" hidan tells us walking away. Maybe this mission won't be a good idea I could probably get rid of him it shouldn't be that hard. "Umm I hate to interrupt your moment love birds but I need to get into my room" I turn my head to see deidara with his arm around hidan shoulder "senpai what are you doing out of the hospital room" why the hell is he using that voic- oh right hidan doesn't know about his apparently secret identity.

Deidaras POV
What the hell is up with Itachi and obito there acting like beri berinal and caius. "Hidan what do you think is the matter with Itachi and o-tobi" I ask him he probably knows more than me. Of course I get only a shrug as he closes the door on Itachi and obito. "So did ya charm kakuzu of what I didn't expect you to survive" I can't help but smile thinking of what kakuzu did to him last time. The whole base was clean spotless it was either hidan did that or he'll never be able to be in the same room as him. I can't believe I finally get to sleep in my room I can't wait to snuggle under the blankets maybe laying my head down on someone's chest while they wrap there arms arms around me closing our eyes and falling into a deep sleep. I don't even care if he likes rin there might be a chance for me after all we did kiss. "Deidara omg deidara will you pay attention I've been calling your name forever" I look up to see hidans fingers snapping in front of my face. "Sorry I was just thinking of something" I close my eyes imagine laying with obito. My eyes snap open to a huge thud once I look down to see hidan rolling on the floor laughing "THE HELL YOU LAUGHING AT" I yell at him knowing he's 100% laughing at me "just that I know you are thinking about cuddling tobi. You said it out loud you dope" crap "aww senpai I want to cuddle with you to" how the hell did he get in. I don't even have time to blink before I'm tackled down on the bed by obito. "Deidara senpai I loveeeeeee youuuuuuu" "TOBI GET OFF" I yell at him even tho everyone already knows I don't want him to get off. "Tobi let's go we have a mission" "great way to ruin the moment" hidan says sticking his tongue out at Itachi only for kakuzu to appear out of nowhere and drag him out by his ear. "But tobi wants to stay with deidara" he tells Itachi lifting his mask just above his lips. "Tobi lets g-" he cuts Itachi off my slamming is lips on to mine way to hard but I kind of liked it. He licks my bottom lip trying to slip his tongue in probably forgetting that Itachi was in the room. He makes the kiss feel like forever from how slowly he pulls away. I can already feel my lips getting swollen stupid obtio.

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