Is this the end

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"I want hidan kisame and kakuzu to go
search the area they could still be around. Itachi tobi and Konan fix deidara up" pain tells us as I get on the bird Konan made. "What about you" I ask him before we fly off "I'm going to organize a attack on the leaf I'll scope out the area with Zetsu" he tells me right on time for zetsu to emerge from a tree. I nod knowing it might be a little much but they hurt my deidara so they will pay. Once we get back to the hospital part of the base me and Itachi immediately lay the knocked out deidara on the bed while konan checks his vitals by giving him shots and connecting him to a bunch of mechanics. "How is he" I ask her looking down at his swollen and blood filled face. She looks down at him whipping the blood of his face and arms "he's going to be in a critical condition for a bit" she pauses a moment to sigh "they almost beat him to death if we hadn't been there they would have killed him" she tells us looking down at deidara almost tearing up. "I'm going to go get more medicine you two watch his heart monitor and if anything goes wrong get me" she tells us exiting the room. I can't even look at his face I feel ashamed that I let this happen. If I didn't decide to bring that dumb doll to sunagaku- wait where is the puppet "Itachi the puppet is gone" I tell him looking outside the window to see if he's somewhere within eye sight. "Can you handle yourself here I can go look for him" he says to me getting ready to jump out the window. I nod and look back down as he jumps out running god knows where I close my eyes thinking about what could have happened If I went with him. Once I get to my happy place of me and deidara just hugging and laying in a felid of flowers a perfect mix of a purple clematis and yellow coreopsis. My inner thoughts get interrupted by his horrible beeping noise ruining my perfect moment with him in my head. I open my eyes to realize that horrible beeping is the heart monitor "KONAN" I yell trying to sound like tobi to distraught to even use his voice at the moment. She run in the room giving deidara a bunch of shocks from the defibrillator "come on deidara senpai you can't die" I say letting my voice crack showing my weakness. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding once his heart rate goes back to normal "what the hell just happened" I ask her "he flatlined but I was able to get his heart rate up. Tobi deidara died for about a minute before I was able to get here" she tells me sitting down on one of the chairs. "Where's Itachi he would have known what to do" she asks me putting her head in her hands rubbing her face "he went to go find the puppet deidara senpai loves so much" right as I say that Itachi comes in the room holding something but I can't tell what it is. "Did you find him" I ask him hoping he'll say yes but slightly wishing he'd say no he nods. I sigh knowing deidara will never want to let that puppet go after this "all I found was a part of his tail the leaf must have took him for inspection" once he tells me that I've got the perfect idea "hey Konan do you you have a pick frame or some time of frame anywhere" I ask he getting a nod in return "perfect I'll hang this up on me and deidara senpais wall" I clap my hands a little bit until I hear a groan coming from behind me "deidara senpai are you awake" I turn around faster than the speed of light. "T-tobi shut up my head is killing me" I can't help but feel a bit offended to be honest "tobi go try and find the others and see what's going on" I nod walking out the room only to bump into kisame "found them" I tell her chuckling a bit walking back next to deidara. "How is he" hidan asks "well he's going to be okay he did flatline for almost a full minute" she tells them getting us and injecting deidara with something and right after the medicine goes in his body deidara is knocked out cold "what did you give him" I say shaking the bed to see if he'll wake up

"I gave him a bunch of Benadryl and pain meds I also gave him some medication to help with his anxiety" wait deidara has anxiety is that why he won't let go of sasori and his belongings. "Sasori knew how to calm him down after missions or overwhelming things" Konan tells me "yeah he had the magic touch until well I guess you came around" hidan says crossing his arms with a little laugh. Apparently whatever made him laugh made everyone laugh until pain and Zetsu entered the room "what did you guys find" pain asks everyone who went out "we didn't find anything they were already at the leaf" kakuzu tells him while looking at deidara. "Konan" pain says with a complete difference in tone compared to when he talks to us his tone was none other than love. "He technically died for almost a minute but he's now stable and sleeping he'll be out for a few hours" she tells pain walking out the room with him. "Oh and tobi I need you to give him this antibiotic every 5 hours" she tells me pointing at a few needles before she walks out catching up with pain. "Hidan and kisame come with me" Itachi tells them walking out the room with the two idiots running after him. I go to take off my mask until I remember kakuzu is still in the room "kakuzu you still need to call me tobi when we are around others" I tell him rubbing a wet towel on deidaras face hands and legs waiting for kakuzu to leave so I can whipe the blood of deidaras chest and farther up his legs. I will not allow anyone else to see what's mine unless it's absolutely necessary "I'll leave you guys alone for now I'm going to take a nap if you need anything just yell for me or something" I nod watching him walk out while taking a deep breath before turning back to deidara and clean him.

Deidaras POV
Numb. A four letter word to describe what I'm feeling. I open my eyes to see a field of flowers a mix of purple yellow and red. I pick a beautiful red flower and smell it smiling as I lay down and close my eyes in the flowers I could get used to this. The sun is shining warming me up with wonderful flowers that smell amazing all around me. For once I feel kinda happy but how would my life be if I didn't join the akatsuki I wouldn't be all beat up and hurt but I would never have met the most amazing people in my life. I wouldn't have a close bond with hidan tobi and sasori they wouldn't even know I existed. If I had the option I don't think I would restart I think I would just keep the life I'm living now with maybe a little extra feelings for tobi. I feel something warm and fuzzy touching my chest but I can't quite seem to figure out what it is. I open my eyes to see obito touching my chest "TO-" I try to yell only to realize I'm to weak for that "tobi what the hell are you doing get off my chest" I whisper yell at him. "Good morning deidara it's currently 9:36 am" he tells me while drying my chest "what happened" I ask him closing my eyes until they adjust to the bright little above me. "You got beat up pretty bad what were you doing out there alone" he asks me while turning off the lights "I went to go bring hiruko to sunagakure and I saw a dog but this dog was different and well it goes black after that" I tell him going to grab hiruko "where is hiruko" I ask him not being able to see that well and I couldn't feel him. "We couldn't find him I'm guessing the leaf took him for inspection but I framed a part of his tall in our room" he tells me as he grabbing needles "What are you doing with that" I ask him knowing it's probably for me. "Deidara I'm just going to put this in your arm and all the pain will go away for a few hours" he says walking closer to me as I just laugh "yeah no your not I'm fine with deal-" I try telling him only to injected with a needle "OBITO" I yell at him as Itachi and kakuzu walk in the room "fuck" I whisper to myself. "It's okay deidara they already found out" i just look at him wide eyed wondering how. A sudden wave of drowsiness washes over me almost drowning me. "I-I'm going to sleep you guys can explain this later when I wake up" I tell him closing my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.

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