An agreement

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Tobi/obtio POV
"Ok we'll rest here for the night. Itachi can keep watch" I tell them while sitting down putting my back on a tree "dei come lay with me" I say tapping my chest so we can cuddle. "I'm keeping watch Itachi go lay down" deidara tells us while jumping in the tree. I decided to not argue with him on this. I turn to the left to see Itachi laying down on the tree next to me "what do you think happened to him during the fight" Itachi asks me while he closes his eyes "I don't know I'll ask him about it later" I'm tell him closing my eyes and drifting off.

Deidaras POV
I might as well walk around for a little bit to clear my mind. I just can't get over what happened and how she was able to create a real life sasori when she has no idea what he looked like. Wait how is that possible "your quite the thinker aren't you" I look around to find where the voice is coming from not being able to see anyone just tees and whatever else is lit by the moon. I can't even see obtio or Itachi "come out" I tell them grabbing some clay. "Save the drastics I'm just going to kidnap you and bring you back to the village so you can die" I turn around and see a guy with short brown hair and dark blue eyes he's not that bad looking actually. "Thank you I'd say you aren't that bad looking either" so he must be a mind reader or whatever power that girl had. Before I know it I'm being pinned down on the ground by this guy "actually I have another specially I like to call it a kiss you can't come back from" he tells me while licking his lips. So his spit or lips must be poison

"pucker up love" he tells me getting closer. Thank god I left some spiders near obito and Itachi "katsu" I say as he chuckles . "Such a shame you have to die I really do think you're pretty" he tells me twirling my hair around his fingers. He leans in closer to me so I can feel his breath against my lips "Any last words" I nod my head trying to stall for the others this guy is stronger than you think so don't go calling me weak. He chuckles and leans in even closer brushing his lips against my neck moving them up to my mouth. "Tim-" "don't touch what's mine" I hear two people say at the same time as he gets kicked off of me.

"Deidara are you okay" I hear what sounds like tobis voice no this is different it's his real voice. I turn my head to see Itachi using his fireball justu "y-yeah I'm okay" I tell him getting up whipping myself off. "Why did you walk off you could have been killed or you could have killed us" Itachi tells me crossing his arms making me feel like the biggest dick in the world. I guess obito could tell that I felt bad so he kissed my forehead "as long as your safe senpai it's okay" I nod still feeling bad about what Itachi said.

I look behind Itachi to try and see the boy once again only for him to be gone. I look back at Itachi to see they boy behind him but he's to busy arguing with obtio about something "ITACHI" I yell jumping behind in and in front of the boy taking the blade in the left side of my gut. "DEIDARA" I hear them yell at the same time but that's soon replaced by ringing in my ear. My eyes start to feel droopy I feel my body swaying. I get ready to lean onto obtio he's always there when I need him but once I finally fall I hit the ground and hard. I try to keep my eyes open as long as I can hoping to see if obtio is coming for me.

I need to try and keep my eyes open but it's just so hard. I feel someone grab my body and lift me up "ob-ito" is all I'm able to get out until the other person responds "no I'm kabuto Yakushi I'm going to heal you" that name sounds so familiar but who. Wait a minute isn't he the rat that always follows Orochimaru around. I need to get him away from me but he's my only hope for living "t-t-tobi help" I whisper before I'm out cold.

Tobis/obtios POV
After me and Itachi finish killing the ninja who hurt him only to find his stupid ass disappeared. "Obito I don't think we'll he able to finish our mission" Itachi tells me while handling me some paper. It's a note but it just says "we have him- Orochimaru" "How do we get him back" I ask Itachi who's already walking somewhere "I'm getting him back while you are going back to the base" he tells me stopping to point behind me telling me to go back.

I shake my head and walk with Itachi "how far is he" I ask Itachi hoping deidara is okay and still alive "I'm not sure I've seen kabuto fight before so I know for sure that deidara will still be alive by the time we get him" Itachi tells me. Thank god I don't think I'd be able to survive without deidara.

Deidaras POV
I can feel something going on with my wound but I don't know what it is. It's starting to feel better tho. I'm able to slowly open my eyes "t-tobi" I look around to see two other people but not obito or Itachi. Once my vision focuses I can see orochimaru and I think the other guy is someone named kabuto. Wait I remember now kabuto was the one who saved me "well long time no see deidara" why did it have to be the snake why couldn't it have been anyone else.

"Why am I here and what do you want" I ask him going to reach for some clay. "No use the clay isn't on you and We aren't going to kill you so rest" kabuto tells me while he injects stuff into the iv bag. "It's just more fluids relax I'll go check for any signs of people" kabuto tells me and orochimaru while walking out the room. "I need your help" orochimaru tells me while he sits in a chair next to me. "Tsk like I'd help you. You deserted everyone" I saying turning my head.

I don't think I can look at him after he just ask for my help. "I need you to find me a boy named Sasuke Uchiha" uchiha that's Itachi and obtios last name they must be in the same clan. "What's in it for me" I ask him hoping for something more than money even tho I'm not going to find that kid for him. "I already have people starting a war with Iwagakure. The people in that village will be dead they can't win" crap I still need to find out how that kid was like me.

"I'll do it on one condition" I tell him as he leans in closer "I need you to call off your men and let me go" he sighs and nods. "Once you heal I'll let you go but you must find him. now be careful because he is very strong but I can assure you it isn't a suicide mission" that doesn't seem suspicious at all "I'm fine with that" I tell him feeling my eyes start to droop. "I'll be back when you wake" he tells me walking out the room. I just hope someone finds me before I have to kill this sasuke uchiha. I can't kill someone who's related to Itachi and obtio.

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