Claude, The Cutest Cat Ever

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"Thanks so much for letting me hang out," You say to Jason as you dig around in your locker, shoving away your science books and pulling out your backpack and roller skates, "I was really worried that I'd be, like, lonely and stuff." You shrug, and Jason makes a sound close to a sympathetic coo. You close your locker door and turn to him as he does the same, watching as he signs something out to you.


You shrug one shoulder, slinging your backpack over the other, and let out a hum. You weren't sure if he was being entirely honest; he seemed like the warm kind of guy who would do whatever he could to brighten your mood. If it hadn't been for his kindness earlier in the day you would probably be alone.

"That's kind of you to say, Jason," You grin at him, and then Michael appears from the crowd and doesn't even bat an eye in your direction.

"Gotta get Laurie." His voice is strange to hear after a day of him in silence, gruff and low and hardly anything more than a mumble. Jason nods his head, turns back to you, and quickly signs out,


With a last smile and a last wave Michael drags Jason away and you're left to head home yourself. With a contented sigh, you spin on your heel and head for the nearest exit doors, ones just down the hall that Norman had pointed you towards as you'd asked for their location. The other students cleared out pretty fast, eager to get home and do whatever people in small towns do, so you weren't being shoved and pushed from all sides like you had been during the day. The low talking of those who remained and the steady ticking of one of the many clocks on the walls was nice, reminiscent of your old school back in New York. You pushed your way through the heavy doors out onto the concrete landing on the other side, where three stone steps would take you to an unkempt sidewalk and then spill you out onto a residential street. You stepped aside, out of the doors' way, and began to tug at the laces on your shoes to replace them with your transportation. With them off, you slipped your foot into your left skate, fighting to keep your balance as you tied it back up. You probably should have sat on the steps to do this, but now your pride too big for you to tamp down and you were absolutely going to finish this all standing up.

"Come on..." You grumbled to yourself, finally looping the strings together with a triumphant huff. As you stood up straight to give your back a momentary break the doors swung open and out walked a familiar boy in a leather jacket. He didn't even notice you, but you felt the sudden urge to apologize for whatever you did wrong earlier in the morning. "Hey, wait!" You called out, and he glanced over his shoulder, stopping once recognition spread like frost over his features. His shoulders lifted with a deep breath and slumped with a sigh, and he jammed his hands into his pockets, lifting his brows as a silent, unimpressed 'continue'. "I just wanted to- hold on," You try to hobble forwards with one foot on wheels and the other flat on the ground, almost losing your footing entirely and decided to just stay in place. "I just wanted to say sorry if I bothered you this morning or something. I don't want anyone here to hate me or anything like that, so... yeah, uh, sorry."

"You look ridiculous." For the first time you heard his voice, flat with a thin lace of amusement. You glanced down again at your one-skate-one-sock predicament and flashed an awkward smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." The boy spun on his heel to wander away, but you weren't done talking just yet, "Hold on a sec!" You shout, but he continues on nonetheless. With a groan, your determination wins over and you begin to hobble forwards once more, tripping down the steps and skate-jogging to catch up to him. "You didn't accept my apology! Come on, just, like, I don't know- say you're not mad? If you don't my brain'll spiral and-" You settled into something almost bearable, as if you were on a skateboard- push, glide, push, glide, "I barely know you and I don't want all chances of being cool with each other thrown out the window-"

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