Stop Talking.

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(A/N): Content Warning; Homophobia and lots of talk about sex. Stay safe.

Over the course of three hours the dance grew duller and duller. Sooner or later, the music made your head throb and the crowd had your mind reeling. With an empty red cup in your hand (the ice tasting of some orange soda) you stood off to the side of the students before you, tapping your foot haphazardly with the beat of I Wanna Dance With Somebody. You scanned the crowd for familiar faces and saw none- your friends had slipped between your fingers one at a time, and now you had no idea where any of them were. You felt a little lost and a lot out of place, but you didn't have a ride home so you were stuck here until someone answered your texts or stumbled upon you out of pure luck. Humming the tune of the familiar song, you leaned back against the wall and pulled your phone out of your pocket for the millionth time, desperate for some form of entertainment- your heart leaped into your throat, a smile cracking over your features, as that entertainment presented itself in a text from your favourite contact.

Danny <3


How could you tell?

Danny <3
Look to your right lmao

You did just as he said, lifting your head and tilting it sideways to scan for Danny's familiar face. You spotted it in the far corner, eyeing you exhaustedly. Chrissy was still glued to his side, laughing boisterously at some joke that was probably shit. 

Danny <3
There in two. Just gotta get it off of me.

You laugh aloud, ignoring the strange look from the random graduate a few feet away, and nod your head in his direction before slipping your phone back into your pocket. You watched, grinning, as Danny said something with a flat expression and basically shoved Chrissy away, though she batted her lashes and smiled warmly after him as if he treated her like a princess. Chrissy's attention was rapidly stolen back to her conversation again, leaving Danny to make his way subtly for the gymnasiums exit door, motioning for you to follow with a flick of his shoulder. With quick feet, eager to escape the noise and flashing lights of the party, you scurry in his wake. The moment you set foot outside of the gym it's like a wave of calm washes over you. You feel stress ease smoothly from your shoulders, your headache evaporating like dew under the morning sun. Danny was waiting just outside, and as soon as the gym doors clicked shut behind you, muffling the deafening base to a dull thud, he reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers with his own.

"Thanks for the reason to get out of there, Sweetheart," He hummed, bringing your hand to your lips and kissing your knuckles, "That girl drives me insane. I regret ever talking to her at Mandy's stupid party." You smile, cheeks a dusty red, and shrug your shoulders.

"You saved me just as much as I saved you. I was losing my mind in there," Your words come out as an irritated mumble, and you feel your temper itching to flare until Danny gives your hand a reassuring squeeze and starts forwards down the hallways, planning to get as far away from the hustle and bustle as possible. You swung your conjoined hands gently as you began to walk at a snail's pace, pleasant and quiet. 

"So," Danny chuckled, "Where to?" For a moment you think, and then you tug on his hand and take a left down another hallway. You want to take him outside, to the park. The stars will be out, and some fresh air is just what you need. He follows without a need for explanation, catching the hint as you turn again to reroute so that you're headed straight for the school's front door. Danny breaks away from you but you suppress your frown as you see him push the door open and motion for you to step past him like the gentleman he has proved himself to be. 

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