Epilogue; Pt. 1

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"There ya go, sweetheart, nice and easy now-" Danny let out a strained sound as he lowered you to the cold but dry ground; you were shivering, immediately pulling your still-bare legs to your chest to wrap your arms around them. The snow was still coming down heavy outside, but Danny, ever resourceful, had had the wonderful last-minute idea to raid the house and fill a backpack full of downstairs necessities before getting out of there. Too tired to go all the way upstairs for warmer clothes he had grabbed as many blankets as he could carry, as well as the medkit from beneath the kitchen sink. He had grabbed perishable food and his fathers abundance of credit cards (all of which he claimed to know the pins for) and then helped you to your feet, and into a spare set of rain boots. By the time you'd gotten far enough away from the house for the sirens to disappear, your legs were a stark red, burning from the cold. "We're lucky it's not any colder than this, hon, or else you'd probably have hypothermia," Danny spoke with a chuckle despite the evident worry in his voice.

"At least-" You pause, your chattering teeth interrupting you, "At least the cold is slowing the blood, r-right? That's- that's a thing that happens?" Danny pulls a blanket from the backpack, draping it over your shoulders and tucking it around your legs before kneeling down and taking your chilled face in his hands. He gave you his dazzling Danny Johnson grin, though it was worn out and tired.

"That's right, baby, you're so smart." He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your nose before pulling out a second blanket to wrap around your shoulders- and then a third. "Here, scoot," He said, huffing out a breath that came as a white cloud. "It's getting even colder. We've gotta warm each other up before we can sleep." You dropped one side of the blankets, Danny taking a seat on the hard wooden floor at your side. "There we go," He chattered, and pulled you closer to him. A little meow startled you from your cold, tired haze, and you smiled. Before you knew it, a little tortoiseshell bundle was creeping her way from a little plastic kitten cage. Her green eyes, you remark first and foremost, are not the same shade as David's. Little Pandora creeps forwards a few more steps before scampering over a small pile of snow- fallen through a hole in the roof- to slip beneath the blankets and cuddle up beside your feet to savor the warmth.

"How's a home sound, Kiwi?" You hum, your one free hand stroking her little head.

"Even if we might be on the move a lot. I hope you like to travel." Danny let his head fall against yours, a small, contented smile on his dried-blood splattered face.

"We're murderers, aren't we?" You ask, and for the oddest reason that isn't as awful as you thought it would be to face. Danny shrugs, and snuggles closer. "How are we gonna survive?" The question isn't a worried one- it's simply a question.

"We'll figure it out. I can max out David's credit card, take all the money off of it. Drop half off for my momma, and then we can skip town." You hum at his words and pull the blanket tighter around you.

"What about my friends? And my dad?"

"I... I don't know. Are you okay leaving them?" For a moment, you have to think. You love them, but do you have a choice? Weathering the skin of your bottom lip, it's your turn to shrug- you also let out a yawn.

"I want to leave them notes first, please. And... There's one more thing I want to do before we leave, too."

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?"

"You'll see." You giggle, and tilt your head to place a kiss on Danny's temple. "Sleep, poor boy. We've got lots of healing to do."

"Yeah," Danny sniffled through his broken nose as if to accent your words, "I guess so."


Dear friends,

You've definitely heard of what happened by now. I'm also sure you've pieced together the truth, though I know what the media is making this all out to be. Danny Johnson didn't kill me, and he never will, but that's not why I'm writing this.

I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me; even if I wasn't in Ashboro for long, you've made my months here bearable and that's more than I could have ever asked for. I'll miss you, you bastards- look out for more letters from me, at some point.

Who ever won that TikTok competition we had? Probably Michael, right? I'd place my bets on Michael. I wonder if I could ever get famous like you have, Brahms. Keep up the good work. Talk about me. Turn these events into content- I'll come watch it one day.

Michael, Jason- you guys made me feel safe when I haven't had a place to feel that way since I was born. I don't know if I've ever spoken about this, but my dad divorced my mom because she was a terrible hag and we were better off without her. Thanks for making me feel like life can be good.

Norman- the big thing we wouldn't tell you in the car after the dance was that I boinked Danny. It's true. Good luck growing up- you'll be a phenomenal guy once you've stopped letting your mother control you, and I say that with love <3

Me leaving is gonna hit poor August hard. I want you guys to be the one to look after him a little, okay? All of you. He's your brother now, he won't want me.

If my dad asks, just tell him I'm dead. It'll be easier for him to handle all of this that way.

I don't want to leave Ashboro. I wish things had turned out differently. Danny offered to turn himself into the police for me, to get me off the hook. Of course I said no. I love him more than I've ever loved anyone in my whole entire life. Please understand- even if I'm leaving you, I don't want to be losing you.

Please don't show this to the police, I got vulnerable.

Also, leave a return letter in Brahms' mailbox on Halloween, if you don't hate me. I'll find my way there to collect it.

xx, love you.

(Y/N) <3



Don't show this to the others. I just have a few words for you and you alone.

I know you don't like Danny Johnson, but he didn't kill his dad. I did. It's a long story and I'm sure it'll be leaked to the press any day now, so I won't explain it, but- don't hold this against him.

Don't tell anyone but you were my favourite out of the group.

If you ever want someone dead, just hmu ;)

That's a joke. Of course. Unless you really want someone dead.

Keep mothering, grandma.



I love you guys and I'm sorry. Don't hate me, but also don't miss me. I'm not coming back- and that's a choice I'm making because I messed things up. It's nothing you guys did.

I care about you both,




You're Next. You fucked up.

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