One British Sugar Daddy And Five Billion Dollar Suits

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(A/N): My family: This vacation is gonna be great! We're not gonna go on electronics and ignore each other at ALL!

Me, clutching my laptop to my chest: THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE WRONG

"Oh my God," Brahms' eyes shot wide, and a grin split over the entirety of his face, "Michael, you look dashing!" At that last word, his voice peaked into a soprano, the voice he often used when he was only with his friends, "What could I do to get a gentleman like you to take me to the dance?" He fluttered his lashes, clinging to his friends arm, and you found yourself smiling. Michael, in his dark blue suit (which was worth a quarter of a fortune just to rent) did look positively stunning- his tie was a stark black and the shirt underneath was a light grey. He looked like one hell of a catch and he seemed to understand that as he set his jaw, accentuating his jawline just to tease Brahms even further, though, as usual, he refused to play along with his joke.

"Let go of my arm or else I'll break yours." Despite the sharpness of Michael's icy gaze packed with threat and danger Brahms knew the burly man would never hurt a curly hair on his little British head. 

"What about me? Will you take me to the dance?" You say with a grin just as wide as Brahms', hopping up from the couch you were seated on to go hang off of his other arm.

"No! Take me!" Now Norman was joining in, and then seconds after Jason was signing 'ME' furiously. The positive attention brought a rosy glow to Michael's face, something you had never once seen in your entire life. 

"Michael Audrey Myers are you blushing?" 

"Oh, I always knew I had this effect on you!" You and Brahms were relentless, and Michael was growing more embarrassed by the second. With a huff and a twitch of his lips showing that he was desperately fighting off a grin, he shook the four of you off of him and turned back to the mirror displayed in the rental shop, brushing off the front of his suit. 

"You guys are stupid," Michael said, forcing his features into a grimace. Brahms flopped back down onto the shops sofa and you stepped up to Michael's side, smiling at him in the reflection of the mirror.

"You love us," Norman stated, stepping up to Michael's other side.

"Yeah," He huffed in return, "Yeah, I guess I do."

"On a more serious note, you do pull off that tux- get it." Brahms spoke matter-of-factly, as if he'd hosted a survey- 'Does Michael look absolutely bomb in this suit or not?'- and had it come back 100% positive.

"It's, like, a billion dollars," Michael said and glanced over his shoulder, raising one eyebrow in uncertainty, "I feel like that's taking advantage of you." Blowing a raspberry and waving one hand dismissively through the air Brahms shook his head furiously.

"I'll pay anything to get you in a suit that nice!" 


"Okay, (Y/N)! Great reveal, we're all ready!" Norman's voice traveled through the thick cloth of the change room as anxiety fluttered in your stomach. You balled your fists, looking down at your outfit one last time and swallowing the growing lump in your throat. You could do this- you didn't look ridiculous, your friends wouldn't pick out something you looked stupid in- right? All at once, doubts flooded your mind, and you had to shove them violently away to get yourself to move. You'd never worn anything even remotely this fancy, and the thought of not only your friends but strangers judging you in it? 

"Come on bestie you've got this!" Brahms clapped his hands excitedly, and you nodded your head to no one in particular. Reaching up a sweaty-palmed hand, you gripped the curtain previously concealing you and pulled it swiftly to the side, striking a pose and hoping that you looked more confident than you felt. Your friends were silent, and the stone of anxiety thrashed even harder around inside of you. You tried to read the expressions on their faces; Michael looked stoic save for a slight raise of his brows. Norman and Brahms' jaws were dropped. Jason's eyes were wide. All at once, the four broke into the biggest smiles you'd ever seen- even Michael- and they leaped to their feet. 

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