I Hate You <3

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"Hey, there you are!" Norman let out a relieved sigh as you and Danny, side by side, crossed the school parking lot to greet him, "I was just about to call you again," Though the dark-haired boy looked happy to see you were okay, he clearly wasn't fond of Danny being right along with you.

"Where were you, anyways?" Michael said with a quirked brow- you fought down the reddening in your cheeks and nonchalantly shrugged your shoulder. You could see Danny fighting back a smile out of the corner of your eye. After the... events that had transpired between the two of you you'd taken over the (thankfully) empty locker room to get yourselves cleaned up and to make sure there wasn't a trace of hurt left in Danny's beautiful face. Now, no one knew of anything but the two of you and you both planned to keep it that way, at least for the time being. You believed that Danny didn't deserve to have to shoulder the weight of a serious relationship right now in the midst of all this chaos.

"Just- went for some air," You say with an inconspicuous tone that manages to make it over both Norman's and Jason's heads- Michael looks suspicious but lets you off the hook as he leans back against the car door to wait for everyone else. Brahms, however, is a whole different story. His eyes lock with yours for a fraction of a second and you can tell he knows, just like that. You tear your gaze away. "You don't mind giving me and Danny a ride to his place, do you?" You ask, silently begging for Brahms not to say a thing about what he so obviously has caught on to. Instead, he just cracks a toothy grin and says,

"Oh, of course, I don't mind one bit- hey, uh, Mike? Why don't you drive, I'm exhausted," The devilish grin on Brahms' face says more than you would ever have liked it to. You know that this drive to Danny's, though it's only a few minutes, is going to be nothing short of pure agony. 

"Why not," He sighs, and Brahms passes him the car keys. Sharing an apologetic glance with Danny, you move to take your seat in the back while Jason takes his own beside Michael. Danny is clearly about to come to sit beside you when Brahms shoves his way ungraciously through with nothing but that cheeky grin being flashed once again in your direction. Danny is about to speak but he decides to just leave it, scooting into the car as well. Since the backseat is only meant for three and you have four, Norman, awkwardly, crams himself in all the same. It's a tight fit, uncomfortably so, but at least you're all inside. Michael slots the keys into the ignition and the drive begins- the tension shoots sky high almost instantly, with Norman trying desperately to have as little contact with Danny as possible, with Danny looking entirely out of place, with Brahms knowing too much for his own good, and with you crammed too tightly against the door with someone who knows you just 'boinked' the bad boy.

"Sooooo," Brahms hums nonchalantly, all attention turning to him, much to your terror, "How was that air? As good as everyone makes it out to be?" Danny snorts out a laugh and covers it up with as natural a cough as he can muster. It's not natural at all. 

"Uh- Yeah- I mean no- I mean-" Your face flushes and you lose your voice so you just shrug your shoulders and shrink into yourself, forcing your eyes out the window. 

"Hmmm," Brahms continued on, "I don't know if you're giving that air all the credit it deserves. It seems pretty-" Brahms has to stop talking to contain his face-splitting grin, taking a second to recompose himself and put on his casual face once more. "It seems pretty thick," 

"What the heck, Brahms?" Norman cuts in, leaning forwards to give his friend a dumbfounded expression, "Why the interview? And why are you being so- so weird about it?"

"You're talking about the air like people talk about dicks." Michael added from the front seat to earn a punch in the arm from Jason, a motherly scoff and scold from Norman, and a choked sound from you as your soul ascended and left your body to waste away in the mortal realm. 

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