The Bacon And Eggs Are The Best

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"Oh, Daniel!" The moment you set foot in the diner, the bell above the door chiming merrily, his mother was grinning from ear to ear and hurrying to greet you. She was dressed in classic 80s diner clothing, the gingham dress a dark blue moss colour and the apron around her waist a crisp white; her black hair was tied up into a high ponytail by a golden ribbon that matched her glimmering eyes. "You made it! I'm so relieved you got here safe," She grabbed his hands in her own and then pulled him into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to his cheek and ignoring the way he groaned out his disapproval. 

"Of course I made it, Momma, I know how to ride my bike-" she kissed his cheek again and again then pulled him into another tight hug, making you giggle at the sight, "Okay, Mom, that's enough please." Despite the irritation he tried to force into his words the corners of his lips were twitching up into an unwanted smile and his mother knew he enjoyed the affection.

"Sorry, honey," she said as she took his hands just for one more second, "I know you're busy. It's wonderful to see you again, (Y/N)." Danny's mother looked over at you and her smile melted into a calmer, more contented one. "It's pretty busy tonight but I saved you a table in the quiet corner by the window." 

"Thanks, Ma," Now it was Danny's turn to lean in and kiss his mother's cheek before turning back to you and motioning with a flick of his head for you to follow him. 

"Really, thank you Mrs. Johnson. We appreciate it." She waved a hand dismissively but her cheeks tinted a flattered rose.

"Please, call me Aurelia. Go get that project finished, dear, and call me if you need anything." You smile at her one more time and hurry away after Danny through one of the most authentic diners you'd ever seen. It wasn't trashy or cheap like the chain ones from New York, it was perfectly clean and decorated with love and every plate of food looked and smelt absolutely delicious. The booth in the corner had a large window on either side giving you a crystal clear view of the outside forest basking underneath the cloud-tufted sky. It was only 5:00 or so, so you had plenty of time to get this project done perfectly; making up for two weeks of work in just one night? Sure, you could do it, and you sure as hell would get an A as well. As soon as you slid into the moss blue coloured leather seats Danny was swiping a menu from its place in the holder on the right side of the table, flipping it open to search through it. 

"What do you want to eat? I'll pay." He hummed absentmindedly and laid the menu flat, spinning it so it was sideways between the two of you, "If I have to make a recommendation I'd say the eggs and bacon even if it isn't technically breakfast; they're one of the all-day options and they are just-" Danny pressed his fingers to his lips and pulled them back in a dramatic chefs kiss, "And if not them, then the extreme pancakes. They're good too." You lean forwards and twist your head to better read the sideways letters, scanning the food items. The pancakes did look good- the order came with three of them, described to be fluffy and topped with your selection of butter, chocolate chips, strawberries, whipped cream, maple syrup or chocolate spread.

"What are you getting?" You ask and Danny answer back without thinking.

"The eggs and bacon. Like I said, they're works of art." 

"Then I'll get the pancakes and we can steal some of each others food." 

"Sounds like a plan- I'm getting us a milkshake, too. Oh!" Danny closed the meny and flipped it over, "One of these bad boys as well." He pointed to something called 'EVERYTHING FRIES' (specifically in all caps) and you rapidly read the description. Hamburger meat, melted cheese, tomato, onion, green onion, sour cream and taco seasoning- that sounded delicious, actually. 

"That's perfect. I'm starved." As Danny pushed the menu aside you turned to your backpack, unzipping the top and digging around inside for your English binder and pencil case. You were just about to pull them out and set them on the table when Dany shot up and reached across it, pushing your school things back down into your bag. 

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