Warm, Gold Butterflies

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(A/N): Holy wow, this chapter is just... wow. I highly, highly recommend listening to a dark academia or royal core playlist as you read this, it adds a whole new level of softness. I'm sitting here shaking, sobbing into my hand because... I think I've genuinely created my best work yet. 

Mixed laughter broke the silence in the air like a teacup being shattered, joyous and boisterous and much, much too loud. It was the kind of laughter that sent birds flying from power lines, that had mothers sending you confused looks, that had people buying midnight coffee's glaring and glowering at the two inconsiderate high school kids in the corner booth. The sun had long, long since gone to sleep, far below the horizon to light the other cities on the Earth for a change- in its wake was a shining silver moon peeking timidly out from the dark, brooding storm clouds pressing in from every direction like a plague. The promise of rain or snow or a mixture of the two was almost indefinite, but tucked away in the artificial warmth of the Johnson Diner you and your English partner were unbothered by the thought of biking home in the ice cold. 

"That's bullshit, I don't believe that for a fucking second!" Tears were threatening to stream down Danny's face, his grin cheek-splitting and hysterical. Your own eyes were glossy, your breath coming short, your complexion a deep rose from the lack of air that laughter always seemed to bring with it.

"Well you'd better, because it's true! I 100% did win first place at my third grade talent show by dancing to the Alvin and the Chipmunks version of Uptown Funk. Dead serious." Again, Danny burst out into the laughter that you had come to absolutely adore. Somewhere between a breathless wheeze and something close to the maniacal laugh of a Disney villain, it was free-spirited and completely unlike the facade Danny wore at school. The sound of it sent you into your own fit, covering your face with your hands and leaning back in your seat. 

"That's- how? And why-" He couldn't get another word out, doubling over to rest his forehead on the table as his shoulders leaped up and down in the midst of their fight for breath. When he sat up again he wiped tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand and ran his fingers through his hair. "Jesus Christ," Danny breathed out as you cleared your throat to try and stop from joining his outburst all over again.

"My God," You said with one last  huff, arms dropping down onto the table and almost knocking over the cup of hot chocolate you'd been sipping at over the last hour or so. You found your gaze attracted to the window, staring at your reflection; it was crystal clear thanks to the total darkness enveloping the outside world. You looked happy, so happy, and you realized you were having more fun now with Danny Johnson than you had had in years and years of your life. The last... who knows how many hours have been spent doing a mixture of light work and getting distracted, goofing off and sharing stories and staying at this diner for way too long. "What time even is it?" You ask with a chuckle, turning to dig around in your bag as your composure finally returned to you. Your chest was burning with a pleasant pain, your head spinning and light. Danny was a riot once he let his guard down. Finding your phone and pulling it from your backpack you clicked it on to see not only the time- holy fuck, it was almost 3 in the morning- but nearly a hundred texts from a mixture of different people. "Shit," you curse, and Danny, still smiling, rests his head on his arms and lets out a curious hum.

"What's up, sweetheart? Past your bedtime?" 

"No, fuck, I just didn't tell my dad I was working on the project tonight. He's probably called the damn police on me," Of course the statement is a bit of a hyperbole but you're certain he's at least nervous to some degree. Unlocking your phone, you clicked on your text messages and went straight to his contact, momentarily ignoring the texts from your friends that have piled up both within the groupchat and out. "Just a sec," You mumbled, and quickly skim through the messages. 

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