Friday Plans

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(A/N): can you tell exams exhausted me? I forgot to add a title to this chapter. Sorry guys fjekfjkwkdkwkd

"OKAY," Brahms slaps his hands down onto your lab desk, grinning from ear to ear. His eyes were blown wide, glittering with childish glee, "I had the greatest idea know to humankind over the course of this," He lowered his voice seeing as Mr. West and Mr. Cain were still in the science room, waiting for the class to empty out since the day had just ended, "really boring class. I've already sneakily texted and gotten answers back from the others, but how does this sound; bowling." You plucked your books from the tabletop and held them to your chest, already smiling at the thought of going to a bowling alley. On a Friday night where you otherwise would have been doing absolutely nothing, this idea sounded great.

"Sure, I'd love to," You step out from your chair, pushing it back in with your heel as Brahms hastily gathered up his own things to stick at your side while the two of you headed for the door. "I haven't been bowling in- have a good weekend, Mr. West, Mr. Cain!- I haven't been bowling in years, so I'm going to be absolutely terrible at it."

"All part of the fun, I suck at it too. I don't play a lot of sports but bowling is the one exception." You both step out into the hallway, pushing your way into the tidal wave of eager students, shoving and fighting their way towards a school-free weekend. "Everyone's pooling in Michael's car this time, it's bigger- we can get you at, like, 6 or so if that works."

"All good, I'm excited," You flash your friend a warm grin and stop for a brief second in the middle of the fork in the hall where you go one way and he goes the other, "I'll see you all at six, then! See ya later!" You're about to step away when he extends a fist to you, and, with a wider smile and a roll of your eyes you bump your fist against his. With a dramatic explosion sound and a sporadic wiggle of his fingers, he lets out a giggle and hurries away into the crowd. You hurry to your locker where Jason has already arrived, uttering out an absent-minded greeting as you twist in your locker combo and pull the metal door open to shove your books randomly inside. You see him signing out of the corner of your eye, turning and reading the movements with more ease than you'd originally had when you'd first met him.


He signed, and you nodded your head, knowing exactly what he was talking about. His clipped signing has become easier to decipher; now, you almost always knew what he was trying to say.

"Yep, Brahms told me about the bowling and I'm definitely coming. You are too, right?" You hum, and he holds out a thumbs up and closes his locker, backpack slung over one shoulder. "Awesome!" You finish getting your own things in order, tucking your roller skates under each arm, and close your locker all the same. "Alrighty then, Jay, I'll see you later when I kick your ass at bowling." He rolls his forest-green eyes and raises one eyebrow in silent challenge, earning a light elbow in the side from you and one last farewell before you head for the exit door. You push the heavy doors wide open with one shoulder, stepping out into the afternoon sun and sucking in a deep breath of fresh, non-school-scented air. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, letting the golden bands of light stretch down from the heavens to kiss the grass and warm the skin on your face. Today was a good day. Not even the sight of Danny sitting on the steps (waiting for Amanda, most likely) can ruin the bubbly contented feeling that has begin to grow in your stomach at the thought of going bowling with you friends. You let out a sigh too announce your presence, taking a seat one stair above him to take off your normal shoes and replace them with your skates. Even the concrete of the steps is pleasant, heated just enough.

"Look at that, if it isn't you. How goes it, sweetheart?" Danny says with his easy-breezy smirk, leaning back against the steps, elbows braced on the concrete for further support. You pull the laces of your right shoe free and slip it off before responding.

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