I Guess We're Pulling An All-Nighter

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(A/N): Okay so I recently did a poll asking if you guys minded a pretty big time skip and you all said it was okay, so this happens the Monday night a week later; The last chapter occurred on a Saturday evening, meaning this one happens a week and two days later :)

"Have any of you seen Chrissy around today?" You ask with a grimace just at the sound of that name leaving your lips. You hug your denim jacket tighter around yourself, the air carrying a mid-fall chill that always came near Halloween time. 

"Ugh," Brahms rolled his eyes and Michael pretended to gag rather animatedly, "Why the hell are you asking about her? I fuckin' hate that girl," Norman was quick to shoot his elbow into Brahms' side at the swear, cutting him off so that he couldn't dive any further into his hatred.

"I noticed she wasn't in English this morning. She must be cutting class today. Why?" You let out a groan, leaning backwards and flopping down in the stiff grass. Irritation began to bubble in the pit of your stomach, pulling a frown taut over your lips.

"We have that project due tomorrow, and I don't know where she's at. I wanted to plan another stupid get-together tonight so I could help her wrap it all up." Sitting up again with a huff, you pull your phone out of your back pocket and dig around for her contact. "Sorry, guys, I'll just be a second." You clamber to your feet, waving quickly to your friends before taking a few steps away and hitting the 'call' button beside Chrissy's name. It rang once, then twice, and then a third time- you were convinced you wouldn't get through, but then the line clicked and your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

"Hello, this is Chrissy Vaughan, how can I help you?" You swallow down the urge to scoff; she sounded like she didn't have your name in her phone. You suck in a deep, calming breath and cross your arm over your chest, promising you'll keep your temper.

"Chrissy, hi, it's (Y/N)," you say and you can almost see the way she most definitely rolled her eyes, "I'm calling about your English project. It's due tomorrow and you weren't here in class today for me to help you finish it. I was wondering if we could meet up tonight to get it done, or you could at least tell me how close to finished it is-"

"Oh, that stupid project? Yeah, no I didn't even start it." Your voice escapes you at once. You're left utterly speechless.

"Wha-" You croak out, but your breath catches again. You have to give your head a violent shake to ground yourself once more, finally finding the will to speak. "You what? But- All those times we met up, you did work at those didn't you? I- I'm sure you did, I helped you, I saw you write stuff down!" At some point you had began to pace, the hand not holding your phone planted on your hip and your brow begging to crease into a look of anxiety.

"Threw 'em away, I didn't need them. You think I care about my stupid English grade?" She laughed, loud and boisterous and dripping with genuine amusement. The bitch was getting off on your pain and suffering and that lit the beginning flame of anger in the pit of your stomach. 

"Why did you even bother coming to the stupid meet-ups then?" Feeling the burning of eyes on you, you turned to your friends and threw your hand exasperatedly into the air, seeing a few of them snicker and Jason and Norman shoot you apologetic looks.

"For Danny? Duh? We're basically in love or whatever." Your heart squeezed in on itself and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to stop from lashing out at her again. "Because of that project finally getting him to notice me he took me out on a date! Now I'm just waiting for him to offer to take me to the dance." Now it was your turn to laugh, though it was dry and humorless. "What's funny about that? You think he'd wanna take you instead?" Fuming and wanting to make this girl jealous, the perfect opportunity presented itself as Danny stepped out from the school doors, scanning around- his gaze settled on you and he waved. 

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