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(A/N): Be careful my friends <3 This chapter is almost 6000 words long and it's very, very graphic. I know you're probably not averse to detailed violence, but there's some really shitty behaviour from our special guest. Read at your own risk.

The door opened and, as things always seem to do with you, everything comes crashing down. Seated on the living room couch on the other side of the door is a man- he's tall and broad and has the same jet-black hair and striking features as Danny; the only difference is that rather than the warm, sunshine gold you had fallen in love with his eyes were venom green, dull yet sharp in one threatening bundle. You noticed the way Danny withered beneath his viper-like gaze and easily put two and two together. As pieces slotted into place and you discovered that this was Danny's father your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach and your lungs began to cinch. Everything about him, from the way he stood to the way his cold green eyes raked up and down his sons body screamed nothing short of danger.

"Who's this?" His voice was low and rugged, so, so similar to Danny's that you wanted to run away. You didn't, because then you'd be leaving the love of your life all alone.

"My partner." Danny blurted out, reaching over to you and catching your hand in his. His own palms were clammier than your own- hoping to calm his nerves, you gave it a reassuring squeeze and ghosted your thumb back and forth over his knuckles.

"This is the bitch you took to the dance? You said they were hot," Mr. Johnson grumbled, his malicious eyes now set on you. They travelled uncomfortably low, and Danny, swallowing hard, stepped in front of you just a little more to obstruct his view.

"What does it matter, David? I like them, so what does it matter?" The weakness in his always-powerful voice made you shudder. He was walking on eggshells, and carelessly so.

"You been crying? The fucks up with your eyes?" To accent these words, David stood up- Danny swallowed hard again and his grip on your hand tightened drastically, though he held his footing and forced his chin a little higher.

"No. I know boys aren't supposed to cry, do you-" Another swallow, a shaky exhale, "Do you think I'm some pussy?"

"Some days." David replies with a shrug, and takes a few steps in your direction.

"Well no, I wasn't crying," Danny fills his voice with as much disgust as he can muster. It breaks your heart. No wonder he was so ashamed for you to see him cry. "Some of my friends were smoking weed. I didn't have any." The lie melted like honey off of Danny's tongue and even though it felt so natural, David didn't seem to buy it. He raised one eyebrow and licked at his lips. Then, he scoffed, rolled his eyes, and rerouted for the kitchen.

"Get outta my sight, fuckin pansy." As soon as he was around the corner, Danny was dragging you towards the stairs, taking them hastily and slinking into his room. As soon as you were safely inside he clicked the door silently shut and flicked the lock into place before deflating like a popped balloon. You went to him and wrapped him in your arms before he could even speak, knowing he was fighting back those tears again.

"You can cry if you need to, D," You whisper to him as you pull him into your chest, but he just hugs you back and shakes his head. Everything is clearer to you now. The bruises, the nail polish, Dahlia going with Aurelia to work- it was all because of David. Even when spoken in your mind the name made that temper in your stomach bubble up red-hot. He was scarring this family. He'd already ruined the boy in your arms and who knows what he's done to those poor girls. Something about David was so incredibly wrong it made your insides churn, swamping you with nausea. "Sleep?" You ask him, and Danny hesitates a moment before nodding, though he only hugs you tighter instead of letting go. You wait another full minute before finally, reluctantly, pulling your arms away to look at him once more. You place your hand upon his cheek, thumb tracing over his cheekbone, and offer him a sad, little smile.

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