You, And Your Two Idiot Partners

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Jason signs as quickly as ever, quirking his head to the side in question as he holds his lunch close to his chest and pushes his locker shut with his elbow.

"I'd love to, Jay, but I've gotta go find my stupid english partners," You roll your eyes dramatically as you say this, eliciting a sympathetic laugh and a pat on the shoulder of good luck. "I'll catch up with you all outside in a bit!" He holds out a thumbs up as he begins to melt into the crowd, heading for the usual doors out to the usual spot in the half-sun half-shade. On a nice, sunny, Wednesday afternoon finding and conversing with Danny Johnson and Chrissy Vaughan sounded like the worst possible thing you could imagine, and yet, you had no other choice. For the last days you had texted again and again to try and get some sort of meetup planned and they had just ignored you. Left with no other choice, you slammed your locker shut, turned on your heel, and made your way reluctantly towards the stairwell you knew he hung out in during the lunch hours when it was too warm for his leather jacket. You had to start psyching yourself up as the door came into view, fighting the urge to grimace or turn right back around. Each step took you dreadfully closer until you were reaching out a hand and pushing open the heavy door. At once, the chatter (which had been, it seems, entirely belonging to Chrissy anyways) came to a grinding halt and three pairs of eyes swiveled to face you. There was Danny, there was Chrissy, and there was also Amanda, who you didn't actually mind being around after how kind she was to Brahms on the night of the party. 

"Heya, Sweetheart," Danny forced a tight smirk, wiping off the frown that you had seen for less than a split second when you'd first stepped into the room. Chrissy scowled at you and then clung tighter to Danny's leather-clad arm at the sound of his nickname, "What's got you on this side of the school? I thought you'd be out with those buds of yours."

"I'm here to ask you two why the hell I haven't gotten a single response about meeting up to work on our english project." Amanda barked out a laugh, covering her mouth as her cheeks flushed a pale red. It seems to have escaped her without her consent; she punched Danny's arm and rolled her eyes at him. For a moment you thought she was laughing at you, but then she said,

"Jesus Christ, Dan, you're insufferable-" Amanda climbed to her feet from where she was sitting against the bottom stairs, and turned to you with a kind smile. "I'm sorry 'bout him, he's... well, a manchild, if I'm being honest. He told me he'd already-" Danny shot to his feet, almost pushing Chrissy entirely away.

"Mandy, don't-"

"-answered, and if I'd known he hadn't, I would have smacked some sense into him already." She spoke right over him, exposing his lies and deception- Danny let out a groan, stumbling a step backwards so that his back collided with the wall. 

"For fucks sake, Amanda, I don't want to do that stupid-" Amanda turned, slow and lax, to face him, raising one eyebrow. He went perfectly silent after one look at her expression, knowing that she wasn't letting him just skip the whole project, especially since that would affect your grade as well. "God, fine, fine! I'll do the stupid project!" Throwing his hands up in exasperation, his face twisted into one of utter annoyance. 

"Wow," You hum, and give Amanda a nod of approval, "I don't know how you have him so whipped but it's kind of amazing." The girl shrugged one shoulder and scraped her fingers through her thick black hair, flashing a smirk that had a striking resemblance to the one Danny always wore. They definitely hung out too much. Poor Amanda. "Okay then, Danny, Chrissy- since we're actually doing this and we're actually going to throw in effort, we need to get together every evening for the next three days or it'll never get done. We're each going to need to work on a different paragraph, getting our own research," You crossed your arms over your chest as you spoke, gaze flickering from one partner to another as they stared at you, irritation glittering in both gazes, "We can proofread each others work once we're all done, too. We're gonna... what was it you said, Danny? 'We're gonna ace this aren't we, sweetheart?'" Not often one for mocking, you had had enough of Danny's antics and were putting your foot down and taking the lead. Amanda let out a gasp of a laugh, and then she was clapping her hand on your shoulder and smiling ear to ear.

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