Maybe I Like Annoying

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(A/N): i am begging you guys when you see I forgot a title or it didn't load in can you yell at me because it happens so much 😭😭

"Kids!" Your father's voice rang loud through the house, overtaking the booming of your music just barely, "I'm headed out for the evening! If you light the house on fire, try to burn alive outside of it so I don't have to search for your ashes!" With your phone in hand you roll your eyes without looking up to shout back,

"Thanks, dad! I appreciate the instructions!" Normally you'd humor him back with a little teasing of your own, but you currently had more than enough on your plate to deal with. You had been trying to get ahold of one of your insufferable partners for the last two hours and neither would text you back; it was getting on your nerves, but you were trying to let the vibes of your music tamp down your temper enough not to work yourself up about it.

You- Come onnnnnnnnnn Danny please we have to meet up a few more times to get all this done before the deadline

Tapping in another text, you can't help but think, Jesus, I'm annoying, and you found yourself grinning. Danny deserved it for ghosting you, and, well... you'd be lying if you said bugging him wasn't your very favourite thing to do.

You- Danny bestie I'm giving you one more minute before I pull out my trap card

It was clear that Brahms' slang was rubbing off on you (it was rubbing off on Michael, too, which was HILARIOUS and the guy hated it) but you didn't care. It only added to the annoyance factor, and you were currently aiming to get that as high as possible. You waited exactly one minute, not a second longer, before biting your bottom lip to hold back a giggle as you loaded up your secret weapon; if Danny really was looking at your texts and just ignoring them- like you guess he is- then this will get him to answer.

You- Okay, if you won't answer I'll just skate over to your place myself. See you in twenty.

Not even three seconds passed before he was typing back, three dancing dots bouncing merrily as he did so. Your snicker broke free, success bubbling in the pit of your stomach as you sat forwards swiftly to kick your blankets off of your legs.

Danny- NO

Danny- You dint hav e to doo thqt

Your brows knit together, swooping low at the jumble of letters. It was decipherable, but hardly.

You- You okay? What's with the typos

Again, the ellipses appeared in a promise that, yes, Danny was typing again. It bounced for a few seconds then disappeared, then reappeared and vanished once more- a second later your phone screen lit up with an incoming call. Your eyebrows creased deeper, a confused smile overtaking the giddy one you'd had on moments earlier, as you reach your thumb up to tap 'accept' and move the phone to your ear.

"Hello...?" You ask, holding back a snippet of laughter. You could hear Danny shuffling around on the other end, hurrying up a set of stairs and slamming and locking a door behind him before he answered.

"Hi, sweetheart, sorry- my momma-" He cut himself off, sucking in a deep, embarrassed breath before letting it out in a huff and forcing the words out, "My momma has my hands bandaged to hell and back from that fight. I can hardly move 'em. What do you want?" Holding in yet another snicker you swung your legs over the side of the bed, beginning to kick your feet.

"Well," You hum, "Isn't it obvious? I want to plan another stupid get-together for that english project. I've been trying to get to you and Chrissy all night, and neither of you would answer." Now it was Danny's turn to laugh, starting with something low and light that quickly escalated into a more raucous sound, nearing a hysterical howl.

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