Epilogue; Part 2

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(A/N): i was gonna post this after I was back from my camping trip, but I love you guys so here it is. The final chapter <3

New York Times

Double Murder in Small Town Ashboro

Ashboro residents were disturbed this Friday evening by a collection of gunshots heard far and wide through the city. The assault on the residence was reported by Dahlia Johnson, daughter of the deceased David Johnson, from inside the house during the attack. Police speculate the culprit to be Danny Johnson, age 19, the son of David and Aurelia Johnson and a student at Ashboro High. Johnson is known to have a violent history, with numerous warnings from police and authorities as well as two previous arrests for violence and attempted breaking and entering.

"David Johnson had been shot twice, and was suffering from numerous lacerations to the legs and shoulders. It was a murder. . .there was blood all over the floors and walls." One police resource states.

Danny Johnson has yet to be detained. Any information should be reported immediately.

The suspect is regarded as highly dangerous. If spotted, do not approach and contact authorities immediately.

Any contact with Danny Johnson must be reported to authorities immediately.


"Danny! Danny, baby look!" You throw your arms over his shoulders, dropping the news right on top of the planner on his desktop. "You made the New York Times!" You were grinning so hard your face hurt, and now Danny was, too.

"Holy shit," He laughed out, grabbing the paper and bringing it closer to scan the text beneath the low light of the rooms single desk lamp. "Regarded highly dangerous! Sweetheart, that's better than the last ones!" Springing up from his seat, Danny slipped out into the open and grabbed your hands in his, spinning you enthusiastically and swooping you low like a ballroom dancer. He leaned in and kissed you, quick and excited.

"You're highly dangerous, I can't believe it," As Danny pulled you upright you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead to his and bumping your noses together lovingly. "Just you wait- you're gonna be a national priority by the time tonight is over, I promise. This plan is foolproof, and maybe I'll get a little limelight from it too." You pull away and shoot him a playful wink, hopping up to sit on the rickety old desk as Danny took his seat once more. "You're sure you're okay with a bit of a trek? It's still pretty cold, I don't want your poor battered bones to be hurting," You tap the odd bend in Danny's nose with your finger, watching him roll his eyes and flick his head away.

"I'm fine, it's just my finger that's a little stiff, but it's nothing I can't handle. Come on, we've got no time to lose. I wanna scope the place out a little before we move in." Standing once more from his seat and snapping his book shut- the pages are filled with a detailed schedule- Danny turned and beckoned for you to follow him to the cobweb-clad coat closet by the door of the abandoned apartment room. One town over from Ashboro, the two of you had made your residence, stealing food and money and spending as little as you could of what you had from David Johnson. That evening seemed like a memory to you now, but one thing did stick- you were still dead set on staining your hands with at least one more set of blood. "Look, look," Danny smiled, pushing the door open on it's rusted hinges to dig around inside. It was largely filled with junk, stuff Danny swiped from shops and people, but he knew exactly what he was looking for. Out came two shiny clear bags from Spirit Halloween.

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