Look At Me

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(A/N): Go easy on me, please. This is my first smut scene, like- ever, and I have next to no idea what I'm doing lmao enjoy

It had clouded over during the few minutes you'd been back inside the building; now the clouds were thick with the promise of snow or rain. Despite the chill nipping at the air, stronger now, you push your way outside in search of Danny. He'd been fast, getting out of the school as quickly as he possibly could. You were desperately hoping that he hadn't just left. For a brief moment you wonder to yourself, is it even worth looking for him?, because there were endless places for him to be and maybe this search would be totally fruitless. You took a sharp right to loop around the school to the desolate back of it, where the landscapers had neglected to fix cracked pavement and the weeds had chewed over the fine grass. You had only been meaning to cut through that portion of the yard to reach the sidewalk, prepared to walk home and skate all the way to Danny's just to comfort him, but that turned out not to be necessary- The moment your foot touched down on the mass of weeds a soft sniffling touched your ear and your brows swooped low, concerned. Even if you'd never heard him cry before, you knew the sound of his voice by now.

You open your mouth to call out to him, and then think better of it, walking in the directions of his crying instead. You rounded a corner to an indent in the wall where bikes were meant to be kept, cast in a thick swath of shadow. His crying form was unmistakable, and a little bit more of your soul was chipped away at the sight. You took one step closer and Danny's head, which had been leaned on his knees, snapped upwards, his golden eyes blasting wide and his crying stopping at once. You offered a small smile and Danny went to furiously wipe at his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat and offering a wobbling grin. 

"H-Hey, (Y/N), I-I- I, uh-" His voice started trembling again and so he snapped his mouth shut, tearing his gaze away. 

"Danny, I..." Your own eyes glass over and you fight them back with a blink. Sucking in a deep breath, you start forwards once more, stopping momentarily in front of Danny before taking a slow seat at his side. He tenses as you take up the place beside him. "I'm sorry."

"Pfft," He forces out, his voice breaking through the simple sound, "Sorry for- for what?" You watch as Danny pulls his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. He keeps his gaze away from you, glued to the cracks in the concrete. You don't say another word, just lifting your arm to wrap around his shoulders. He shrivels beneath your touch but you pull him into your side nonetheless, letting your head fall to rest against his own.

"Chrissy's the worst." The words tumble from your lips without your consent and for a second you think you might have made Danny uncomfortable, because he tenses further in your hold and swallows the lump in his throat. After a beat, he relaxes with a sigh and scoots himself a little closer, nodding his head in agreement. 

"I'm sorry," He whispers out, and the way his voice sounds makes your eyes gloss over and your throat close up. "I... This is all my fault. I ruined Amanda's life, (Y/N), she-" His body shakes with a sob and he lifts one hand to close over his mouth, "she wasn't ready to tell anyone yet and I- I- I fucked it all up for her," Tears flow free from his golden eyes and he latches onto his knees with all of the strength in his body. Leaning heavily on your shoulder he buries his face in his folded arms and sobs freely, violently. You'd never imagined someone like him could let out such terrible sounds. You bite your lip to stop from letting your own tears fall and hug him even tighter, burying your face in his hair and placing a kiss on the crown of his head. "She's never going to talk to me again, and if her parents find out- oh, god, if her parents find out-" His head shakes violently from side to side as if he's tossing the thoughts away. A sob tears free from his throat and shakes him with a vengeance, but once it's gone the shaking doesn't stop. He's trembling now like a frightened animal. "If her parents find out they'll talk to mine, and my dad, he- he's going to do something, (Y/N), to me or to my momma or to- to-" You knew growing hysteria when you saw it. Danny was straying further and further from reality, drowning in the tidal wave of negativity. You had to save him before he was too far gone. 

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