The King of All Imbeciles

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(A/N): Please point out any typos or things that are like incoherent; I had some problems while writing this (I did like half of it on my phone during class, so the saving might be messed up and IDK-) and I'd appreciate you guys letting me know if I messed anything up :)

The english classroom was dark, the lights out and the interactive whiteboard at the front of the class presenting the final poetry term Mr. Lecter had to go over. The blinds on the scarce windows had been pulled down, the mahogany slats letting in nothing more than thin bands of pale yellow to dapple the corner of your desk. A dissociative tiredness had laid itself on your shoulders like a warm blanket, the familiar terms flowing through one ear and out the other. Your eyes were trained on the stripes of sunlight, counting them over and over and over again as your shameless boredom threatened to run rampant. A few times you had looked over at your friends and each time they had been absorbed in the lesson; Norman took plenty of notes and even from a desk away you could see the pristine handwriting and the colour-coded highlighting. Jason took notes all the same, though they were a little messier and lacked the colour, making you feel bad for the emptiness of your desktop. Notes were handy, but you'd never bothered taking them for english class. Mr. Lecter was still droning on about prose and consonance while your gaze went fuzzed and you spaced out entirely- you weren't sure how much time passed in that odd state but then you were being brought back by the sound of Mr. Lecter calling your name.

"Ms. (L/N)?" You snapped your head up, your eyes going clear, a surprised panic exploding in your chest and then fading into a mild discomfort. You can tell by the way that your teacher was looking at you that he'd asked a question and you hadn't heard it. With your cheeks threatening to burn red you stuttered out a quick apology.

"I, uh- I'm sorry, what was that? I- I spaced out a little." Somewhere someone began to snicker, but Mr. Lecter snapped his gaze towards them and they went silent.

"That's quite alright- I was simply curious if you'd managed to pick up your copy of The Raven from the school's library?" With a sheepish grin, you lift a hand to scratch at the back of your neck.

"I didn't know I-" You were cut off as the classroom door burst open to reveal someone who was painfully familiar on the other side. Fitted with his usual leather jacket and dark torn jeans, Danny stepped inside looking more bored than you had been moments before. He had his backpack slung over one shoulder and his other hand jammed into his coat pocket; it looked as he was chewing gum.

"Mr. Johnson," You glance back over to Mr. Lecter, who's patient smile had widened into something less so, "I'm quite surprised you showed up today. How long has it been?" Another ripple of snickering spread through the students in a wave, but this time Danny's glare was the one to silence it. For the strangest reason (sarcasm, of course) you can take a wild guess and assume that Danny isn't the type to go to most of his classes. Not everyone was good at english.

"A while," Danny grumbles out, moving for a seat three down from your left. He walked slow, unbothered by the other students waiting for the class to continue, and pulled out his chair at a sluggish pace. As he did so his eyes never left those of Mr. Lecter, as if he were silently mocking him. The teacher was perfectly silent, not a single sign of irritation visible in his stony gaze. "I hate to," Danny dropped his bag to the floor, falling into the chair, "disturb the class. Please, continue. I believe the new kid was trying to say something, huh?" Danny wore a smug grin as he flicked a look at you, and in return you furrowed your brows and sent him the harshest glare you could. Your friends seemed to notice that this look had some miniscule form of history about it- as Norman raised a questioning eyebrow, you shook your head and made a mental note to catch the two up on your altercation with Danny during lunch.

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