Ten Shades Of Yellow

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Your phone buzzing is the thing that saved you from your boring-ass, Danny-less photography class. The ringer was loud and obnoxious and definitely drew the attention of thr entire class but at this point you didn't care. Your heart leaped into your throat and you rocketed from your seat, racing for the computer labs exit door as you pulled your phone free from your pocket and jammed your thumb onto the 'accept' button.

"Danny, holy shit you're alive!" Your grin stretches from ear to ear before you can even process the fact that yes, Danny is okay- he hadn't been answering the messages you'd sent him over the course of the day and you also hadn't seen him in any of your classes. You had grown concerned that he regretted the kiss you'd shared, that he never wanted to speak to you again.

"Hey, yeah," He said with a nervous chuckle, his voice sounding a little strained. You weren't given the chance to ask him if something was wrong before he spoke again, "What class are you in right now?" You scoff playfully and begin to pace, thinking his question was a little silly.

"Photography, obviously. We have this class together every Tuesday and Thursday what do-"

"Come over to my place, I can paint your nails like you asked me to." His sudden interruption causes you to stall; halting in your step, your words evaporate from your tongue and you're left to wonder why he was acting so strange. 

"W-What? I don't understand I-"

"Skip class and come over here. My mom's at work and my sister's at daycare. I could really use some company, honey, I... Just skip it." The nickname sends the golden butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy as they always do, and your grin comes back goofy and quirked. 

"I... I can't just ditch class, Danny, I-"

"Come on, that photography class is shit anyways. I can teach you better than that old hag can," At this you laugh out loud, slapping a hand over your mouth to avoid drawing out any teachers. You can imagine Danny grinning triumphantly on the other end, happy that his joke was a hit, and that makes you want to laugh even harder. 

"Jesus, Dan, you're a terrible influence on me." You let out a huff. The class was pretty boring anyways... maybe... "Fuck, fine. I'll be there in a half hour, get your nail salon set up."

"Yes!" Danny shouted, making you wince and pull the phone away from your ear, "Okay, great but wait before you hang up!

"What is it?" Letting out an over dramatic sigh your roll your eyes, settle your hand on your hip and begin to tap your foot mock-impatiently. 

"When you get here, promise me you won't question anything, okay?" His tone of voice shifts so suddenly that you're almost taken aback; all at once he's dead serious, and you think this must be some sort of joke.

"Yeah, sure, I promise," A giggle escapes you halfway through your sentence and Danny doesn't answer.

"I'm not joking around here, (Y/N). Just... whatever. I trust you. No questions." He pauses, "I'll see you soon sweetheart."

"Yeah, you too." With that, you hang up, and ditch your computer all-together. You have a new priority. 


You wipe the thin film of sweat from your forehead as you roll up to Danny's front yard, dragging your toe stop along the concrete until your motion quit completely. Turning smoothly onto the path up to his door you slid easily across the uneven concrete and let your feet thump to a stop against his bottom step. Turning to sit on the front stairs you quickly unlaced your skates and pulled them from your feet, scooping them up in your arms and taking the last paces to the front door in just your socks, not caring that they were getting a little muddy from the leftover dampness brought on by last night's heavy rain. With a quick inhale you raised your hand to knock on the door, but as you brought your fist forwards it collided with nothing but air when that door was pulled open and your heart plummeted to your feet.

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