Danny Johnson, A Precious Boy. Or Not.

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Jason signed the words as he clicked his locker shut, tilting his head curiously. It was Friday and you had officially made it through one whole week at Ashboro high; After your Tuesday science class with Danny you hadn't spoken a word to him, had hardly even looked at him and that was just fine with you. So far the classes had been generally easy, and a few explanations and pointers from Norman (who was incredibly smart, the tutor-for-hire of the group) kept you right on track for straight A's. 

"Sure, Jay, that sounds great," You and the group had exchanged numbers during lunch and had chattered aimlessly about getting together on the weekend and showing you around what little there was to see in Ashboro. You had taken them up on the offer without hesitation- sitting around the house listening to classical music had grown to be just a little dull, and a good outing with your new friends sounded spectacular. 


With a big thumbs up and a stellar smile you bid Jason your adieu and begin your skate home. You had seen Danny and Amanda hopping onto their motorcycles on your way out, chugging away with roaring engines and belting music from a Bluetooth speaker as they retreated; the clouds that had been building up on the horizon were pressing in closer now, casting the streets in a pale grey light and blanketing you with the early scent of petrichor. You moved languidly and surveyed the streets, internally commenting on the prettiest houses or the places you think would be nice to stop in at. There was a little diner, one of those places you would see on the side of the highway during a vacation and stop for a quick stack of pancakes, and you put that onto your to-see list. Your dad had mentioned this diner a few nights before, saying that he had stopped by for lunch one day and met the girl who owned it. He said she was a total sweetheart. Sooner or later, despite your slower pace, you arrived on your block and spotted the house you were rapidly warming up to come into view; Billy sat on his front porch yet again, Claude seated, unmoving, in his lap and rumbling like the engine of a car. Or a motorcycle. You wave at Billy who answers back with his own shy, snappy wave, and then you breeze up your front steps and through your front door.

"Helloooo!" You cup a hand beside your mouth and bellow through the household, dropping down onto the entryway carpet to tug at your laces, "I'm home!" The house seemed to be sleeping, dark and empty with no otherworldly classical notes drifting like ghosts from the basement. Just like you always did when you first arrived home, you wandered for the kitchen to scrounge around for a snack and instead found a spiral notepad laid on the counter with your dads messy chicken-scratch scrawled upon the front in glittery red ink. "Well hi there," You hum to yourself, pulling out your phone as you approached the note to take advantage of the empty house and lack of music, "What've you got to say to me?" You throw on your favourite playlist and set your phone aside, picking up the book and spinning not-so-elegantly on your heel as you read it. 'Out for the evening, buying more green paint and seeing the city! Don't starve your brother, please, and pick up some mushroom soup at the store if you can :D' You toss the notepad aside once more and pull open the fridge, scanning the contents. Throughout the course of your week it had been nearly emptied, all that was left being one more cereal-bowl full of milk, some oranges, and a half a jar of rosé sauce. Looks like tonight's meal plan was pasta. Your music turned itself down to make way for the ding of a notification, so you hurried to pull the jar of sauce from it's place and turn to set it on the counter to look at your phone. It was Jason texting, just as he had promised he would- and, convenient, he had made a group chat. 

Jason- Ok, hangout plans. I say we take (Y/N) to the forest!

Norman- Even if it might rain?

You- Ooooh, the forest? Sounds spooky. I'm in, rain or shine

Brahms- I'll bring the big umbrella

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