Chapter 29

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August 21 2020, Library in Nam-dong, Seoul

_____________ 09.30 AM______________

" Thank you once again for your help and service."

" No, thank you, and come again."

" sure will."

" Bye." a groupe of girls said in unison as they left through the exit.

" you attract quite the crowd Jungkook, it must be your good looks and great physic." Jimin expressed in joy of having drawn so many customers. " It's been a while since we've had so many young customers."

" Oh really, though I do think that it's because of the upcoming exams. " Jungkook said in his defence.

" Not at all, there's one more library in town that's even bigger than mine, and it's mainly there the students go to borrow books and study. " She confirmed." not to mention that there's literally a group of girls outside gazing at you, moreover, including the one before who just sat there for over ten minutes watching you work, I do not regret recruiting you. " She whispered enthusiastically.

" Well I'm only glad that I can be of help. " He said with a tender smile. It was so easy to communicate with Jimin, she was so open and happy all the time, shining like a bright sun, she really made his gloomy days much brighter.

_____________ 10.05 AM________________

Jungkook wandered in the silent halls of the medium large library. He'd been recruited by Jimin as a volunteer to help her in the library.

It had been two days since the argument, in other words two days since Martin had closed off the garage from Jungkook to use, hence resulting this situation. Martin refused to talk to Jungkook stating that he was waiting for Jungkook to be ready to talk about everything that's been going on. With no fitness nearby, the only thing he could work on was his cardio, through running, but that thought never truly came to fruition as Jimin had now, somehow managed to convince (commanded) him to help at her library in Nam-dong, situated only a few kilometers away from where they lived.

________Flashback 2 days prior______

" why don't you come by and help me at the library." Jimin spoke in her friendly moreover inviting tone." I could really use a tall and muscular man to carry around all of those heavy books." she pursued.

" I-I don't know..." Jungkook sat on a chair at the kitchen island, and Jimin on the other side preparing a glass of water. She had called him out for lunch, serving him instant noodles. Looking down on his meal, he played with the slippery strings of nutrition with the help of his chopsticks.

" C'mon." She insisted. "You've been working out so much lately, to be honest I think you need a well deserved break, and I believe that the library could do you some good. It helps calm me down whenever I feel the rise of panic... after Martin's leave to the military the library had truly become somehow of a sanctuary for me. The silence is so calming, and the space filled with book shelves decorated in fine scented, and sophisticated books... I really think you'll like it." She confessed in a convincing tone. Jimin was always kind a optimistic, but within her, lays a dark past that would rarely trigger her panic attacks. The last she had one, was two days after the incident with Jungkook at the military. That day she'd heard Martin was hurt too, and the thought of losing him, triggered the panic in her, one worse than the others.

" I'm not sure, but I promise I'll look into it-"

" Okay." She quickly interrupted not letting him end the sentence. " I only formulated it this way to be kind, but looks like it didn't catch the bait. It wasn't a question Jungkook, you're gonna help rather you like it or not, not to mention that Martin really isn't in a good mood, I tried to stop him, but he locked the garage for your sake, he believes you're overdoing it, and as a trainer he knows what he's talking about so I couldn't argue, not to mention, I agree, you might not feel it yet, but you're going to hurt yourself physically and mentally if you keep at it like this, so I won't take no for an answer it's either you do it, or you do it. "

______________Present time___________

And after that day he's been spending a lot of time in the library, not to mention that his height really came to use when reaching high chelves.

" You done arranging the books? "

" Yeah, just finished. " He responded while reaching to place the last book back where it belonged, on the highest shelve.

" See, I told you, your height would be of good use. Now come with me, just received the new requested books, I need help carrying them, make good use of all those hours you spent working out. " She said with a reassuring smile.

The days went by in a the blinck of an eye. Jungkook had found himself enjoying helping Jimin, and rightly, just like she'd said, being surrounded by silence and all of the books was somehow appeasing and extremely relaxing, but as soothing as it might be, for how long would it last, for how long would Jungkook be able to put up with this, without making use of his strength the way he used to.

Was this going to turn into another cycle, when would things finally change, and why couldn't he find a better way to alter himself and become a better person.

Why did he feel like a complete failure?

Was all hope lost, was he a lost cause?

The silence and extreme amount of time he'd gained by working here, only for two days, had brought up a lot of thinking, mostly negative ones, that made him ponder about absolutely everything he believed he'd done wrong from the get go.

He'd never actually given much thought to these things, having drowned himself in constant training, and now that he had time, moreover silence, every thought was absorbed and heard loud and clear.

But would this help? Maybe all he needed was actually time, and space to think about the matters at hand. Instead of running away, or purposely keeping himself busy through working out, to spare the thinking.

Was thinking about it really all that hard.

Maybe all that he needed to get through with this, was to think...

To think about it all
To think about his life 
To think about his nightmares
To think about himself
And maybe...

Time to think about her...



Sry for the trouble, remember to comment and vote, the feedback motivates me to post

God bless

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