Chapter 25

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Turning to the other side, he reached out on the bed, feeling the emptiness he woke up. She must already be awake he thought. Rising from the bed, he took a good look at the clock, and it was only 9am.

The smell of breakfast reached his nose, and soon he was quick on his feet. Scratching his back for comfort, he walked out the room, letting the cent lead him to his destination.

Following his growling stomach in the midst of hunger, the cent of something, or rather someone, more desirable reached his senses, and something else awoke in him, clearly overtaking the one of his growling stomach.

"Morning noodles" her cent had lead him to the kitchen, right at the crook of her neck.

" Morning beautiful." inhaling her sweet, honey cent, he let his arms around her waist, tightning to drown in deeper in her aroma. He had himself falling for her all over again, and he wasn't even fully awake.

" Hey, stop that tickles." her voice was his most beautiful melody, and whenever she giggled, he felt himself in heaven. " Darn it Martin, I'm trying to cook breakfast here."

" Yeah, I'm sorry. You're just so intoxicating." leaving her to it, he made his way to the other side of the island. Taking a sit, he let himself stare at her utmost perfection, he couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was his wife.

A deep laugh was heard, and both heads turned to the owner." Good morning Jungkook."

"Morning to you Jimin." Jungkook greeted with a wide smile towards his friends wife.

" Hope you slept well last night" She said, with the sweetest smile.

" Yes, truly. And you?" He was in his work out clothes, holding a water bottle in his right hand, and in his left was his cell phone.

"So did we, thank you for asking." One of the things Martin loved so much about his wife was, that she was always polite no matter who she spoke to. It was such a charm of hers. " Will you be joining us for breakfast this morning?"

" Oh, no, I simply wouldn't want to get in the way of your lovely morning..." He said with a smirk towards Martin. "Not to mention I've already had my breakfast a few hours ago." He answered with a wide smile.

" And what's so funny anyways?" Martin asked with another smirk.

" Nothing at all my good sir, yet I can't help but see myself a burden in the midst of your obvious loving interaction, I wouldn't want to be a distraction." He answered in a thick British accent, as he bowed his head with a hand to his chest.

" How truly considerate of you, Mr. Jeon..." Standing to his feet, he walked towards his friend." I shall remember this favour of yours till my last days, and forever be grateful of your kindness." his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, they both played the role of two fine gentlemen so well.

" You boys are honestly so silly." Jimin commented. Yet she would to any day admit just how much she loved seeing them act so silly.

" Oh, come on my dear, do you not agree." he turned to her trying to hold a straight face.

Opening the fridge she reached for a protein shake." Now you go and have an amazing workout, and make sure to come back home in pieces." She spoke, handing the shake to Jungkook.

Placing his phone in his side pocket, he grabbed the shake, stacking it in his duffle bag. " Yeah Kookie, listen to your mother and be a good boy. Don't fight with the other kids, and come back with all your body parts." With a statement like that, nothing but laughter was audible.

" yeah, I sure will." walking towards the door, he swung the duffle bag behind his back, leaving the door closed after him.

The couple stood there for a few long seconds, in silence listening to Jungkook's presence fading further and further away.

" I really hate when he does that. " Martin stated, losing his smile.

With a sigh she robed her husbands back for comfort. " Be patient, just give him time to open up." she reasurred.

" You heard him too last night. His nightmares seems to be getting worse, and what does he do to heal, hide them all away, and work himself out till he can't stand anymore." Last night Jungkook had another nightmare, that triggered his panick attack.

Before leaving the hospital, Jungkook was diagnosed with a stage of PTSD. He was given a therapist to help, but only used the treatment for a few weeks before quiting, stating that he felt there was nothing wrong.

" Just give him some time Martin, he's been through a lot." she demanded, through a gentle voice. She knew he was worried for Jungkook. They were friends, he had all reasons to be.

" But how much longer till he opens. I don't want him to break before that." passing his hands through his curls he let his fingers serve as the brush. " It's already been ten months, almost a year. This is four months past our actual deal, but he just keeps extanding it, stating that he'll find a job soon, so that he can move out, but look at him now... I'm just worried."

" I know you are, but you need to know that there's more to it than he let's on. He's maybe hiding something from us, but we need to understand that he will tell us in his own time. "

" How can you be so patient? " pulling her in his arms he couldn't help but admire her even more.

" He's your best friend the best you can do for him, is try to sympathies, give him time. Don't pressure him, and when he finally feel he can't hide from it anymore you'll be the first he'll tell." leaning in he let himself be lost in her loving kiss. He loved her so much.


Well double update just because it 2021 now, so...

I have so many ideas, yet I rewrite things all the time, and I'm still not satisfied.

I feel this was so random, but trust me it was necessary. I just didn't know how to slide it in smoothly yk

Yeah, wtv, ya'll be the judge of the outcome, I personally don't know what to do with it.




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