Chapter 26

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The sound of sheets were heard, as the body under them moved in the discomfort of a nightmare. An agitated body shifted and turned in hopes of escaping the horror, causing it to hit the hard wall, explaining the disturbing dunking sounds.




The sounds were heavy, as they echoed through the room. They were from the other side of the wall, dunking against the wall dividing the two, before going silent once more.

In a set of a few seconds, the sound of sheets were heard yet again.

The noise of heavy breathing could be heard for a few seconds before calming.

Out of pure instinct he woke up. After all the noise he had heard he was unable to fall back to sleep. Rising from his bed he made sure to be silent in fear of awakening the beautifull soul beside him.

Surging from the bed, he stretched in silence. He could tell by the darkness outside through the windows, that it was still quite early.

Checking the green illuminated digits on the alarm clock, he groaned in irratation as they read 05.15.

"Where are you going?" A startled gasp escaped Martin's lips at the sudden voice.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She mumbled in silence. The room was still dark, and neither could see the latter's face.

" I should be the one apologising, I didn't mean to wake you. " He exclaimed. Leaning to where he knew she was, he layed on her forehead a tender, gentle peck.

"No its fine, I've lost my sleep anyway." She reassured him in the midst of her yawning.

" He had another nightmare." Martin responded with a whispering voice, so he wouldn't be heard in the other room. " It's getting worse, maybe we should try to talk to him again."

" Just be patient, remember-"

" But I can't..." He cut her off. " For how long? I really don't think I can keep being patient. He's obviously suffering, yet he fakes a smile every day."

She knew he was right, but she also knew that if they pressed him further on the matter, that it would only draw him further away.

" Not yet, a time will come where we can talk about it...but it just isn't now. "

The sound of a door opening was heard, and the couple kept quiet. There were footsteps, and they seemed to be clothed in shoes.

" You think he's going out?" She whispered.

Shrugging he turned to the room door.          " Where are you going?" He didn't respond, and before she knew it, he was out of the room closing the door slightly behind him.

" Good morning." Martin announced as he made his way to Jungkook, yet halting when noticing his friend had zoned out. His eyes were fixated on the window as if watching something, but he knew better. Jungkook wasn't even here, he was lost in his thoughts, he was in deep, as searching for something.

Martin always took it as a sign that Jungkook either had an awful nightmare, or a panic attack, and in this case it seemed he had both.

" Morning." He announced once again, only this time with a louder and more tensed voice.

Jungkook uttered a gasp in shock as he witnessed the sight of his friend in his pj's. He'd caught him off guard.

He was seated on the island. In front of him was a protein shake accompanied with what seemed to be and unprepared peanut butter plus banana sandwich." You scared me, what are you doing up this early in the morning?"

Scoffing internally he forced a smile. " I could ask you the same." Walking towards his friend, he halted putting a distance between them.

Jungkook was so easy to read, even though he obviously just had a traumatic nightmare, he's acting joyful as if nothing happened. It worried Martin, to think that his close friend would wear a mask, and fake a smile in front of him. It made him question their friendship.

" You know me, I'm always up earl. I'm an early bird." Jungkook replied, forcing a dry smile. " wanna join me?" he proposed.

" Nah, it's way too early for my taste." He answered with a slight chuckle.

" So, why are you up so early in the first place?" Jungkook asked for the second time. His tone was worried, he was afraid to have been the reason to Martin's early woke.

But Martin knew better. The last thing he wanted to was to make his friend feel like a burden." Jimin's kicking in her sleep." So he lied.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at the sudden declaration, moreover he felt relieved that he wasn't the cause for it.         " Oh, really? I would've never guessed her to be the type to kick in her sleep. She's so gentle. "

" Yeah well, you know what they say, bossing in the streets, but kicking under the sheets."

" Literally noo one says that." Jungkook stated. Amused by his friends quirky quotes, he simply couldn't help but laugh genuinely. It felt good, especially after having a horrifying nightmare.

" You sure, cause I just used it, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. "

" I'm not so sure, I'd say you're one of kind Martin."

" So, you going for a work out." He asked, as more of statement than a question as his eyes pointed to his duffle bag.

" Yeah, gotta keep up the good pace." He answered. There was a comfortable silence, and Jungkook took it as an opportunity to finish building his sandwich.

The friendly interaction between the two went on for a couple more minutes, and soon Jungkook had finished his breakfast, and was on his way out yet again.

" Have a great work out."

" Yeah you to-" halting, he gave his response another thought before saying it.

" Just go." With that said, he left, and Martin was left alone in the kitchen.

He frowned. " When are you planning on throwing that act away my friend? " Jungkook was gone, yet here he was questioning in solitary.


" Well, how'd it go?" She asked still scooped up in the sheets.

" Like always. " Was his response. Making his way towards their bed, he hovered over her landing a kiss on her lips.

" Heard you complaining about my kicking." She stated in amusement.

" Now, now, you know I didn't mean it like that." He admitted in defeat.

" Then how did you mean it. " She responded seductively.

" Here you are doing nothing, yet I find myself endlessly seduced by you... " His confession sent shiver through her body, and soon enough, they were making love, heated bodies under the sheets.


Thank you for reading, I appreciate the feedback, keep commenting.

spread the good news🕊𝑱𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒔, 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 3:16.

God bless ya'll, have a great day.


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