Chapter 34

190 4 5

August 24 Yongsan, Seoul

________________19.35 _________________

You could feel your heart pounding rapidly, and your breathing was turning heavy. You had no tears, for you didn't know rather to feel extremely sad, or red in rage, or maybe even filled with guilt.

All this time had passed of you thinking Jungkook had left you, and yet this letter proved that even after he knew of your affair he was still willing to love and forgive you.

" How does it feel to be thrown away? Don't worry, you don't need to answer me, I've seen it all already, I witnessed you depressed over Jungkook's sudden disappearence in you life. To think that my plan was to gain you back...." He spoke the last sentence in a chuckle. His hand in his pockets, he just stood there looking at you in pity, just like the night where it all began.

Who was this? You wondered. This can't be Sehun, can it? Your thoughts went total haywire at the sight of the the totally transformed Sehun. Why was he suddenly acting like this? Where was the sweet, kind and helpful Sehun gone to? Or maybe this had always been how he felt all along.

" Listen Sehun, I'm sorry okay, I should've never invited you to come in that night, and I should've never accepted that drink, moreover, even if that night had happened, it should've just stayed a one night stand, and nothing more. I'm sorry I lead you on, I'm sorry I made you think that there was something between us, when I knew that there would never be. I should've taken responsibility over my actions, and instead I ignored your feelings towards me, with that being said, I take full on blame for misleading you, and not rejecting you anytime sooner, I'm sorry I used you for my own selfish pleasure, I'm so sorry. " The list was long. You'd done so much, you'd created such a ruckus, and messed with the feelings of not only Sehun, but your own husband as.

" You've really messed with me, and you know that, I gave up on my best friend because I thought we were serious. " He had lost the sarcasm in his voice, and now only pain and regret filled his tone. " He loved you, and I knew that. He left his family for you dammit... I should've been his trustworthy best friend, yet I betrayed him with no remorse for a woman I knew would never belong to me. I hated that fell for you, hard, and I still do. My friendship with Jungkook meant so much, yet I risced it... I'm sorry I made a mess of your relationship, but you made me feel something special, and I felt so addicted, it blinded me. " He confessed. I'm sorry... I just- I can't face you right now... " His eyes turned teary, and yet before the tears could fall, he had already left. He didn't want you to witness him at his weakest.

You stood there as he left, unable to call out, or even follow him, and unlike him, your face was tainted in tears.

_____________30 minutes later_________

It had been about half an hour since Sehun left, and he still hasn't come back. You were situated in your room, sitted on the floor. So much had happened, it'd been such a long time since you'd felt so disgusted.

" It's all my fault." face to your bended knees, you couldn't help but cry. On the ground in front of you were two letters, Jungkook's last letter, and Sehun's scam.

You couldn't help but wonder of Jungkook's whereabouts, where was he now, and how did he feel about you. What happened to him after that letter, was he dead, after all the letter was given to Sehun, there's a reason why he didn't personally come with it. Did something happen.

You were in so much pain, everything was hurting, your heart the most. You were so confused, and you felt so stupid, why didn't you ask Sehun about everything before he left, he must know of Jungkook's whereabouts that's sure to be guarantee.

There was no way Jungkook was dead, if he was Sehun would've said something, a long time ago, wouldn't he?

Looking up you reached for your phone, before quickly finding Sehun's contact and calling him. The attempt was done multiple times, yet with every call it'd go on voice mail.

" What should I do, I really messed up." you took both letter in hand noticing the big difference. Sehun must've really been hurt. The part where he mentioned wishing you and Xander to burn to death was something you used to have nightmares about.

Then it hit you... Xander.

" Jungkook's real letter never mentioned Xander. And Sehun's letter did come right after I had told Jungkook about my pregnancy... Does that mean that Jungkook has no idea about Xander? " with that being said, silence once again reigned in the room. The current realisation left you numb, and even mortified.

But it all made sense, Jungkook would've most likely come back knowing he was having a son. And his original letter obviously says it all, he's been clueless about this fact all along.

Xander was now one, that meant that for all this time, Jungkook had no idea that he had become a father.

All of this was so overwhelming, not in much of a good way. Of course you were rejoiced by the fact that that letter never even came from Jungkook, but you had been living a lie for all this time, and Jungkook had been living in pure ignorence.

You sat on the ground, countless thoughts in mind, this was such a chaos, moreover could it even be fixed.

Jungkook's whereabouts were unknown, Sehun wasn't answering his phone, and you had no lead to follow.

" Mah~!" The brightest smile appeared from the door, as Xander came running to you for an embrace.

" Hi baby." You greeted, returning his hug, tighter, with additional kisses everywhere, while letting him sit on your lap. You loved him beyond words.

" What are you doing sitting on the floor, chairs aren't made for nothing you know." Your mother, always so sarcastic, she always found a way to lighten the mood no matter how gloomy it was.

" Hey mom. I think we need to talk." Reading your tone of voice, she could tell it was an emergency, not to mention she had spotted the letters on the floor already, guessing that this was about Jungkook.


Another double update, I'm trying to do my best, and sry for the tardiness, I suck at making schedules, so...

Comment exactly how you felt reading this?

Do you feel bad for Sehun?

Do you agree with him?

What about y/n (you)?

What are your thoughts?

What of Mi Yoon, and the tweens ?

And XANDER what about him?

Not to forget Granny who's been there from the start?

Comment your feeds, c'mon, I ain't got all day.



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