Chapter 33

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August 24 Yongsan, Seoul


It'd been three days already since Mi Yoon and the tweens had last visited. The clock read 19.15, and you'd just had your dinner, moreover dealing with breastfeeding Xander.

The house was silent, once again, as Xander and your mom were out for a walk with his stroller. You on the other hand was situated in Sehun's office, searching for something that should've never been lost.

" I can't believe you lost it." You exclaimed in chock and frustration, while roaming through the random documents you'd spilled from his drawer on the floor.

" Don't blame me, it's not even mine." He admitted, with a less frustrated tone. " I don't even understand why you suddenly need Xanders paternity test documents. "

" I just... I just do, OK." You wouldn't admit it, but after what happened that day, with Mi Yoon, and Xander's family drawing, you felt as if it were somewhat of a sign. The sign didn't necessarily have to mean that Jungkook was near, even though you hoped that to be true, but you couldn't rest after having found that test.

On Jungkook's last letter, he had suspected Sehun to be the father, so on Xanders 6th month you arranged a paternity test between Sehun and Xander, and the probability resulted in 0%. So now if ever Jungkook was to show up one day, any day, you'd have the test in hand to prove him wrong, you just had to find it first.

" OK, Sehun, think back, where did you last spot it." You interrogated, in the midst of searching.

" Oh, I don't know, maybe a year ago, after you told me to put it away." He responded sarcastically.

" I said you could save it for me, until I needed it again. " you defended.

" I genuinely don't even understand why I had to save it." He argued.

" Because I wanted you to ponder on it, so that you'd always know."

There was silence for a while at the sudden confession. Sehun had stopped searching. He sat on his bed looking at you on the floor, desperately searching for it, as if it were an envelope filled with money, that's just how important it was to you. But to him, it was just one out of the many obstacles that drew you further apart from him.

" Hey, Y/N ?"

" Mmh?"

" There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now." Sehun stated while searching for the envelope in a separate set of drawers.

" Go for it?" You answered.

He sighed as he readied himself to ask. " H-how did you know that Xander wasn't mine... Before the test I mean." He rushed to correct himself.

Stopping dead in your tracks, you couldn't help it as the sudden question was so unexpected. " Because...Well at first I wasn't really sure, when I first gave birth to him, of course I didn't know... But after a short while, it became somehow more and more apparent to me, even though he was only a few weeks old." You answered nonetheless.

He chuckled." I see. "

" Why the sudden question though? " You asked, still in search.

" Nah... Just wondering. " He couldn't help but to wonder, even though the resemblence to Jungkook was evident, even as a baby.

" Oh, looks like I found it." You admitted victoriously.

" Finally, I was afraid I'd lost it. "

Holding the found letter in your hand you noticed just how old it appeared to be. It was covered in dust, with a plain opening, seeming awfully familiar. Facing the front, you turned it around to see the back in search of any writing... And that's when you saw it.

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