Chapter 16

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An awkward silince took over. All eyes were on you as you stood there in your XL knee long gray shirt.

I can't believe I said his name.

I thought he came back.

How could I mistaken his voice, with Sehun's?

Have I gone crazy.

He was staring at you, taking in everything. Wishing that baggy shirt was off, he couldn't help but imagine you under him.

You'd look so good in my shirt. He thought, forgetting the situation at hand.

" Good morning, took you long enough to wake up." your mother added saving you from the tense position you placed yourself in. " Good morning." you responded in an awkward tone, while tugging on your shirt, feeling a bit vulnerable.

Why are you feeling so vulnerable for, he's already seen you naked...

He's already seen all of you...

There's nothing more for you to hide from him...

He'd seen it all, the man sitted on your dinning table, was the man who had been Jungkook's replacement, when you felt lustful. The one to clench your thirst, and satisfy your dirty desires, on Jungkook's absence. How could you forget that.

The thought of it made you tremble, in an uncomfortable way. You felt yourself nauseous almost sick, at the thought of it, even so, his presence, his odor set a jolt of pleasure to your sensitive spot, as the dirty, and oh so naughty, memories of the both of you 'getting it on' like two rabbits in heat passed through, reminding you that you weren't innocent.

" Quit standing there, and have a seat, I made bacon-pancakes your favourite." your mothers voice reminded you of where you were, and that you weren't alone. Shifting your gaze to the seat opposite from Sehun, thinking about having to look at him, and trying to build a conversation made you nervous. You couldn't, not after what you did together, not after knowing that Jungkook had known about the two of you hooking up.

You had two options:

1st option. You leave, and attend breakfast when Sehun leaves. In which would give you the opportunity to avoid the awkward tension, and a sexually frustrated body.

2nd option. You stay, eat your mother's delicious breakfast, in which she had put a lot of affort on preparing, including the way the table was so very well set, and organised. In which she would very much appreciate, yet the awkward tension, and pent up frustration would linger till it was over.

The first option was tempting, with multiple benefits, and somehow, so was the second, as it benefited your growling stomach, yet the temptation had left and was replaced with discomfort.

You threw a small look towards Sehun who had placed himself on the dining table, giving him the acces to look straight at you. His gaze had been on you the whole time, yet you had just now noticed. His gaze gave out an erotic aura, his eyes alone made you feel naked, stripped of whatever cloth was left to cover you. With that said only one option was obvious to take.

" I'm actually not that hungry." you applied. This was not going to happen.

" Nonsense, do you remember what had to eat yesterday. Half an apple for breakfast , and a bowl of cereal for dinner. People are gonna think I'm starving you, I specifically made this for you to eat, and we'll be having nachos, and guacamole for dinner as well, and you're telling me you're not hungry. " she quickly stated, while agitating her arms in the air, with a spatula in her left hand.

" you're going to eat, rather you're hungry or not, don't make me force feed these pancakes down your throat. " The spatula was now pointed towards you. Looking at her you knew you had no option. The spatula was no longer a utensil, it had become a weapon, and she was not afraid to use it. And that was on black mamas, you could never argue with them, there'd be no point in it, as they'd always be right anyway.

Yet, when you thought everything was lost, the sound of a crying baby was heard, and you were reminded that you had become a mother. Turning your head towards the sound, the sight of your two weeks old baby crying made your heart break. He was laying on his rocking chair agitated, unsatisfied by the taste of his tiny fist and he tried to fit it in to his mouth. He was hungry.

Your mommy instinct kicked in, and in less than five seconds you had reached the chair. Carefully detaching your crying baby from the chair, you slowly started swaying your body side to side, cuddling him to your chest. His head on your exposed collarbone, and your hand holding his small butt, you caressed his cheeks, wiping away the tears, so that he could calm down.

" I need, to feed him." you stated, not giving attention to the other two in the room. Xander was what mattered at the moment, and as long as he wasn't satisfied neither were you.



Hello, I'm back. Its been a rough week, honestly idk what to say. Ya'll have probably felt it too, and I simply can't help but address myself to this matter, as a black girl in a white country (no offence) I can't help but ask, am I welcome.

After everything that's happened, I feel devastated, my skin colour is a threat, and a weapon, an excuse to shoot, and to turn violent.

To think that if I was asked seven years back, what I thought 2020 would be like, my answer would've been, flying cars, and nanny-robots, yet look at us, we're relearning how to properly wash our hands, and how to fight racism, a virus that shouldn't have reached to this point in a time like this.

Are we going back in time, because we're definitely not taking any steps forwards. We try to protest peacefully, yet we are gunned down as if our voices are the weapon they fear.

I'm proud to be BLACK, and that'll never change. I didn't ask to be black, I just got LUCKY.

This is to my fellow black readers, keep strong, they'll be a time where your voices will make a change, be patient, and pray that you'll live to see it, and if not, chase our freedom, for the future generation to come.

I love ya'll, know that you're loved by GOD no matter who you are, and what your color is.

Stay safe and, GOD bless you, bye.


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