Chapter 18

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" You can move in with me." he intervened.

Your eyes widened from his sudden statement. You looked at him dead in the eyes searching for any clues about this being a joke... But there was none, he was being dead serious.

" What are you talking about?"

" Uhm... I mean... You can move in, for the time being. You can move in with me until you find a place, and a way to stabilize yourself."

" I thought you said you knew someone that'd help us install." what if this was a way for him to try and get close to you? Wasn't he overstepping some privacy boundaries. And the fact that your mom knew, yet sounded as if this was totally okay did not ring any pleasent bells, more like an alarm, a siren telling to stay away from this man, because he was no good.

" What are you trying to achieve here?" you asked bluntly, wanting to know exactly what this was all about.

" Well, it is true that I know someone who'd be willing to help, since he's an old friend of mine. But I can't seem to reach him at the moment-"

" And since Sehun himself is from Seoul" your mom interrupted. " living with him would be very sufficient to when we'll live on our own. He'll be able to help us get around, and guide us when needed. " she wasn't wrong, and she seemed as if she took this situation very seriously.

" What about the house, we can't just set it up for sale... Its not ours. " your last three words were mumbled, but enough to be heard.

" No problems then, you can just leave it." Sehun answered, almost to confidently. But he was right, since Jungkook owned this house you had no rights to put it up for sale, and what if he came back. Would he? And if so when? You thought, but as if your mom had read your mind, she interrupted your thoughts.

" And it'd be best if we could move as soon as possible... As in tomorrow." she added.

" What? What do you mean as in tomorrow, that's way too soon."

" The sooner we get away the better." you looked at her surprised, maybe she took this a bit to intense. It's almost as if she read your thoughts about Jungkook possibly coming home, and yes, you wanted to wait and see if he did, even though his letter sounded as if he wouldn't. Was he even worth waiting for anymore, he hated you, and Xander, moreover he made that strictly clear when writing that letter... But still.

" Maybe we should wait, a week or so, I need to prepare myself for this, we'd need to pack a bunch of stuff first, and maybe buy a few new things as well, just in case." your answer was almost, weak, your voice was so quiet and soft, as if all energy was drained from your body.

" Fine, a week, no more, no less, after that we're leaving. "she was in way too much of a hurry too leave this place.

" Than I guess that means you're agreeing. " Sehun added.

Obviously... was what you wanted to answer, but not wanting to be rude after he literally suggested to take care of everything for you, you gently nodded in order to clarify that you agreed. And just like that your new life was about to begin.


Hello, I hope you had a great day, I surely did, and all thanks to a certain person that commented on my ff recently it made me soo happy to see that there's actually people out there that really likes this ff, and that gave me even more motivation to write.

Thank you so much, hope ya'll doing great, washing hands, and stating at least five feet apart.

God bless ya'll and I wish you an amazing day.

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