Chapter 19

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Three days had passed and Jungkook
still wasn't back, but you'd predicted it already, the days were passing by so rapidly that it didn't give you time to think.

It was 05.48, the sun was slowly starting to rise, its rays shinning through the curtains lighting on you. Xander was tenderly suckling on your nippel, his eyes closed as he savoured the milk you provided. You were situated in your bedroom, both laying on the bed peacefully.

Xander was sound asleep, but he was still suckling, not wanting to bother him you layed there staring at his beautiful features. His long dark eyelashes that were slightly raised, along with his cute faded eyebrows.

His hair was naturally curled, with a dark brown colour to it. His nose was small and broad, he was adorable, it reminded you of his father, Jungkook. He was definitely blessed with his father's looks, so much so that you could tell he would be a lady charmer in the future.

It struck a lightning of happiness in you, seeing how much alike they were, if not so, you'd be obligated to take a DNA-test to tell whom he belonged to, but after seeing Xander you felt no need to, for the resembles he had to Jungkook were highly unmistakable.

Though his skin was more on the darker side, showing the obvious dominance your melanin had on him, but it made him the more beautiful to gaze at. He was a beautiful mix of the both of you, not too African-American, nor too korean looking, he'd taken equally on both sides, making it enough.

A tiny sigh of relief was uttered from Xander. He was full and had therefore stopped suckling, you pulled down on your shirt, before laying him on his back, so he layed sprawled on your bed with both his arms and legs spread, giving a comfortable position to sleep in.

This was your room, the room you and Jungkook shared, this is where you used to snuggle all night long, with the comfort and the warmth of each other after a long day.

You had purposely put Xander on the right side of the bed, since that's where Jungkook used to sleep.

Standing up, you casually made your way towards the the desk, stretching your fatigued body in the process. This desk was made for you by Jungkook, your own personal/privat office, not very private though as it was situated in your room, and Jungkook would purposely barge in on you whenever you would sit there just to irritate you. Since he had his own private office in another room that he'd usually lock, he found it amusing to barge in on you, considering your room was almost never locked.

The old memories made you laugh a little bringing back a smile. Sitting on the comfortable armchair you made it a habit to lean back all the way before starting to work on whatever you had. Being a housewife had it's perks, but they were acompanied with downfalls as well, such as boredom and loneliness, you had no real friends so you never bothered calling them, knowing they probably dispised you just as much as everyone else. You had never been very active, as you spent most of your time in books, the library was literally your second home. But there is a limit to how much you'd read, not everything was at your interest. You'd force yourself to reread the same books sometimes, just for the sake of not dying in boredom.

One thing lead to another, and now you owned an office in the corner of the the room in front of the big window, giving you a great view to the neighbours.

It was here it all began. Your hand automatically reached the top drawer, pulling it out, and there they were, every single letter Jungkook had sent you while in military. Laying on top of them all, was his most recent one, the one that left your heart broken.

Pushing it aside you piled them up together just enough to fit in your palm. Taking them out, you let them spread on your desk. There were nine letters in total including the last one,  he'd send them every second to third week of the month, and once four entire weeks passed by with no letters, he used to be so busy. Today is the 30th April, tomorrow will be marking exactly six months since you hadn't heard from him... from Jungkook.

There were the good days, when you knew were you had him, and you knew that he still loved and cared for you... At least you thought. Who knows how long he knew about you and Sehun's little relationship.

You let your lids close shut, as you thought about it deeply...

I mean, he must have known for a while... Right?

But that doesn't make sense... He would've said so if he knew right? 

Maybe even left me... Impossible, I don't think he knew....

Than how did he find out about it?


Your eyes opened in realisation, it must've been him, there is no other way Jungkook could've found out otherwise... Right?

Trying your best not to cry, you picked up the first letter in front of you, it read...

'July 28th. To my beloved wife Y/N'

'I miss you already, and this is my first letter to you. Its been a week, and I can't seem to get you out of my mind. Our last heated interaction keeps hunting, as I can still feel the touch of your skin from our last night together, as if it were yesterday. You are such a distraction to me that I just can't seem concentrate...'

' 4th August. To the sunshine of my life'

' this makes it my second letter. I hope you're doing great, by your letters sent to me, I can see that you're doing so. I'm happy, your health and happiness are what keeps me going, I wouldn't be here without you...'

' 22nd September. You keep me smiling '

' I believe this to be my fifth letter sent to you. I'm happy to hear from you so often, you must not have much to do, do not take this the wrong way though, I'd like for you to keep sending, for your letters are the only thing that keeps me smiling... '

' 14th October. I miss you so much '

' I dream of you, almost every night. I miss you more than words can describe, I wish to be by your side, in your warmth, right now, the days pass, and this is only my seventh letter to you, it feels me with tears that I haven't been able to send you more, as you've been sending to me almost everyday. I miss you so much it pains me not to be by your side, I wish to see you now..'

' 28th October. Your words calm me '

' thank you for you beautiful letters, I may not be much of a writer, but I want to tell you that my letters to you are deep from the heart, this makes it my eitght letter to you, and you've already sent twenty, your words truly calm me, they send a ray of light through me and my love for you grows... '

Your hands trembled as you reached for the last letter, the ninth letter... You stopped halfway, not daring... No, you wouldn't... You simply couldn't do it. Specially when the others were so full of love, so heartfelt, this wasn't a good way of ending it.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the beep sound from your alarm clock. It was already seven o'clock. You hurried to dry your tears, as you stood up. Stacking the letters together, you put them back into your drawer.

Sighing you let Jungkook's last sweet words resonate, before walking towards your bathroom for a nice, and warm bath.

_____ get ready for a double update

Have a great day, and may GOD bless you...

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