Chapter 12

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Sehun layed on his bed, lids shut reviewing yesterday's scenario with you. He felt so warm and cozy, he'd never felt the way he did now, before. You made him feel something new. A smile creeped to his lips as he opened his eyes for several seconds, only to close them again.

He saw you every time he closed his eyes. It's like you were haunting him, but in a good way. But you weren't the only haunting thoughs he had, unlike the good thoughts you provided, these thoughts were complet opposites.

This thoughts reminded him of the night of the letter.


Martin had a problem, he couldn't hand you the letter personally. His wife had cought a bad depression after somehow learning about what happened to Jungkook, and out of nowhere she blacked. He was consulted by the hospital in his town, which was further away from were you lived. And he was told to come back to his wife as soon as possible.

Sitting on a bench, he waited for his train to arrive, while trying to find a way to send this letter to you. His elbows on his knees and his chin laying on his entwined hands, he blankly stared in to thin air. He could do it by post, that was his best and safest option. He obviously had no other.

He was getting anxious. Not only of the letter, that one was the least of his worries. He'd called his wife multiple times, but the only answer he got, was from their neighbour, who explained that she'd heard screaming from their house. And when she entered, she saw his wife in the middle of a panic attack. She was hyperventilating, and had sweat all over. She even experienced quick memory loss, and was so weak that she was unable to stand up on her own.

Their neighbour tried to calm her down, but she kept fighting back. She was weak, yet she just wouldn't give in, saying, and repeating over and over again that she had no idea who they were. And she specifically mentioned wanting her Martin back. But the neighbours being unable to handle her, ended up calling the ambulance, but she passed out before even reaching the hospital, moreover, since then, she's been unconscious.

He was more than worried, this wasn't the first time his wife had a panic attack. She usually got them, but not frequently. And she usually would just hyperventilat, and sweat, but have help to calm down again. Yet she's never had it this bad. And that definitely worried him.

As he sat their for a few more minutes, he ended up deciding on sending the letter by post. It was for the best.

Rising to his feet he reached for his big military bag. But something caught his eyes. The person in front of him, was wearing military uniform as well. And that's when he recognised him.

It was Sehun.

Sehun was Jungkook's best friend, or at least he still was in Martin's eyes. With a quick thought, he remembered how Sehun and Jungkook would always attend any occasions together, at the same time. And they talked, very, often.

With not a second to waste, Martin walked towards Sehun. Patting him on the shoulder lightly, the tall, pale dark haired man turned around to meet Martin's gaze.

" Sehun, its been a while." Martin began. Though it took Sehun a few more second glances, and memory searching, before turning wide eyed with mouth slightly agape, and realising who this was.

" Martin... Well I'm good. Thank you, its been a while." Sehun replied. He knew Martin, he'd seen him hang out with Jungkook on multiple occasions, but they never really talked, more than introductions, but that doesn't really count.

" looks like you're taking the train alone this time. " Martin applied, since Jungkook wasn't here to take it with him like usual, he was going back alone.

" no, I don't mind..." Martin gazed at him in chock, wondering if he heard Sehun wrong. " No!! I didn't mean it that way... " Sehun hurried to assert." I meant, as long as Jungkook is resting and taking time to recover, I'll take a ride home alone anytime. " they both smiled at each other releasing the sudden tension in between

"  Well, that's definitely good to hear. " Martin said. The light from the train-projector came to view, and Martin knew he had to leave soon." Hey Sehun, I know we don't know each other well... But I know how you and Jungkook are very good friends." Sehun scoffed internally, but only to cover it with a smile. " and he gave me a letter, he told me to give it to his wife, but, I myself have a wife at home that's in great need of me, so I really can't do this on my own, personally. And knowing that you two live in the same area, would you maybe, be willing to help me deliver it to her. " a smirk appeared on Sehuns face, but he quickly hid it with a smile.

With an awkward wave of the hand, Sehun bid goodbye to Martin from the window. The letter was now in his possession.


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