Chapter 13

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Standing from his position on the bed, Sehun reached for the small black drawer beside it. Pulling one of the cabinets open he reached for what seemed to be a letter, plaine white, and as simple as a letter can be.

Sitting on his bed, he stared at it wondering if he should open it. He usually burned them, not even thinking twice about the content in them, but this time, it was different, this time... He was tempted.

Reaching for the seal-flap of the letter, he scoffed in irony on how unprofessionally the letter had been sealed. You'd only need to pull on the seal-flap that had been obnubilated inside the bottom-flap, and the envelope was open for everyone to read what layed in it. And that was precisely what Sehun was planning to do, but before he was given a chance to pull out the letter, his phone started vibrating, indicating that someone was calling.

" Hello? "

He responded hesitantly at the unknown number.

" Hi, Sehun, its Martin"

Surprised on who was on the phone Sehun had a hard time responding. How did he get my number.

"You must be asking yourself how I'd got my hand on your number."

" Yeah, I don't quite recall handing it to you."

" Well long story short, Jungkook Phasebook surely seems to contain much about you."

" And looks like your phone number was there to."

Jungkook's phasebook? and there's content about me. I wonder what kind of content he posted, gotta check that later.

" But more importantly, I called you to hear if you were able to deliver the letter to Y/N"

Sehun hid the letter behind him as if hiding it from Martin. Yet scoffed at his comportment, realising he was alone.

" Yeah I sure did, and she seemed fairly pleased to hear from him."

" I bet she was, she must be going through a lot, couldn't imagin how she must feel after knowing that her husband is laying in a coma."

" Yeah, must be hard for her..." not to know that her husband still loves her, and is literally dying to see her.

" Well I guess that was it. Thanks for the help by the way, you really saved me there mate. "

" No prob, we all have our reasons. "

" Great, guess... I'll catch up with you soon mate."

" Yeah I guess we will."

And with that their conversion came to an end. The letter was still in Sehun's hand, yet the temptation was gone. Sighing he throws the letter back into the drawer closing it.

He made his way to the bathroom streching his arms to the sky in the process.

Soon the water from the shower head was heard, but apart from that silence reined.


Don't forget to comment like for real, feedback about my writing.


Ik it's short, but since we're quarantine ya'll get faster updates.

Pls be careful and take care of each other, pray for yourselves, family and loved ones, don't get sick, stay safe.

Bye, and God bless you

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But for real, comment some more, don't be shy, comment some more     😜😜😜

Love ya'll

(and bout the phasebook, I've been thinking about using it, I was just reading once and it just popped up, it had a nice sway to it, I wanted to use it😁)



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