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The events of the upcoming Third Great War are in the making. The armies of Dark and Light are in a power struggle for control over Axial (Axe-eye-al), the Kingdom of Rudiments. 

The victor will have the power to reshape the world in their favour as well as gain access to Earth, the Lost Kingdom of Man.

The rising Messiah of Darkness, ruler of the Dark faces off against the Hyods (Hi-odds), leaders of the Light in hopes his goal will come to fruition.

Born from the evils of all warriors and Beastials alike, the Messiah promises his followers that he will return the world to how it was in the Age of Dominance, but is it what he really desires, or does he have other intensions on his clever mind?

Frail and weak at the moment but regaining his prowess' day by day, the hidden Messiah acts through his former avatars, now given life and called Ruincrucians to undertake his mission. However, he fears even if he denies such a feeling exits within him, the Prophecy of Luminosity.

Secrets and lies, undermining and manipulation, embedded within both Empire constantly shift the balance of power but one Empire now has the upper advantage. Who has the greatest plan in motion, the Messiah of Darkness or the Hyods of Light?

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now