Chapter 4: The Rothom Archives

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Planet - Axial

An enormous castle rose from beneath the ground and the land seized its movement to allow the handsome structure to shine in all of its glory.

The castle was in the form of more obelisks. In the center stood the tallest, even taller than the four obelisks which were positioned at its edges. It was made of pure white diamonds. On the four sides of it were attached four miniature obelisks, each half the size of the perimeter ones.

The castle was the famous Rothom (Roth-um) Archives, which lay hidden and dormant from the hands and eyes of warriors like him. However, he was an exception to these warriors. They were not clever and strong enough to find it, nor were they as hungry as he was to journey to it.

It held powerful hidden secrets of both Dark and Light, but they were only accessible to a limited number of warriors and he was not one of them, but he would be when he finished his quest.

He placed out his left palm and then placed his right hand, which was clenched into a fist on top of it. The ring's mauve stud glowed and soon eight more jade tigers, one by one, crawled out. They became larger and grander at the end of their squeeze.

They stood boldly in front of him and gave him an eerie look, like they would maul him to death. It seemed they did not approve of the alliance they were forced to adhere too.

He was a bit fearful. If it were under any other circumstances, he would be able to show off his might. With one glance, he instilled fear and obedience to other warriors.

The jade tigers slowly moved after scowling and six of the eight felines commenced walking in a straight line in front of him, guiding him towards the castle.

He was leery of the two which made no movement like their brothering except with their falcon eyes.

They finally set in motion their first movement, which appeared to be following him and protecting his rear.

The tigers and the Dark One stopped before the Archives. The tigers in front of him consecutively flew up towards the middle of the castle.

He gazed up at the massive Beastials (Beast-e-als) and watched them soar into the air, forming an arc formation at the middle of the longest obelisk.

They seemed free and unshackled in the presence of such a powerful structure, something he desired but at the moment he was confined to following. But there will come a time when all of that would change. He just had to persevere.

Almost immediately, one of the jade tigers on his rear sprinted towards him while it roared and displayed its sharp teeth.

The Dark One rapidly turned around without moving his feet. His entire body was frozen where he stood.

He was not told about this either and contemplated breaking ranks or attacking the cat but once more the Archives would not allow any of his sudden movements. He had to put trust into his instructor again.

The enormous cat heaved him into the air with its head and immediately flew towards him, running on the air like it was solid ground.

He was suspended in midair and for the first time truly fearful. He had many questions flushing through his head.

Was this some sick joke being played on him by the cats and their master? Was he being sent to slaughter at the hands and mouths of these Beastials? On the other hand, should he trust again? 

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