Chapter 6: Intruder in the Halls

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Planet - Axial 

He was suspended in midair and for the first time truly fearful. He had many questions flushing through his head.

Was this some sick joke being played on him by the cats and their master? Was he being sent to slaughter at the hands and mouths of these Beastials? On the other hand, should he trust again?

The Dark One landed on something but it was not the mouldy ground he expected it to be but something rough. He looked down and noticed he had landed on the back of the jade tiger. He held on to its back for dear life.

He observed the cat's displeasure at saving him and was fuming. If it were under different circumstances these cats would cower at sight of him like tamed felines when he was finished with their training.

The tiger sprinted up towards the arc formation, however; it did not join the rank but walked on the air in front of the rest to the middle of the tallest obelisk which made the castle what it was.

The Dark One, still clinging onto the giant feline, clenched his right fist and elevated it towards the Archives.

He proceeded to utter another incantation, "Le Porte Opennium."

The six tigers roared very loudly behind him. What were they bawling for? Was this a trap? His instructor had their reserves when it came to helping him break into the Archives and he was aware of it.

But why now? They could have killed him the second they emerged.

Was he being paranoid? He was not in control of any of the factors in play like he was accustomed too. No, they, like their master had their reserves about him, the Dark One.

The tigers finally stopped their tirade and a blue outline of a twin door appeared on the Archives wall. A gust of green light crawled out from the middle of the two doors, and they burst opened.

The jade tigers behind him were dissolving into green smoke and slowly returned to the ring except for the tiger which carried him.

It leaped into the Archives and landed on its dark floor and like the others it soon dissolved and returned to the ring.

The doors made a clamouring sound and he watched them close, leaving him in pure darkness. There was no turning back. He was either going to gain what he sought or those scab like hands were going to take him to an eternity of falling and torturing.

He slowly walked down the black hallway. With every step he took, the floor, the walls, and the arched roof, very high above, shined murky lavender, illuminating the hallway.

Torches materialized every few feet on the walls from behind him and to the front of him as he walked down. The flames were not red but light blue.

He did not know what to expect but he was on guard for every obstacle which lay ahead. This was after all one of the most coveted and most protected buildings in the land.

In the darkness which lay in front of him, a silver light emerged, and it was heading his way while transforming the hallway floor, walls, and torches from murky lavender to silver.

Only a Warrior of Light could emit such purity with every step. A battle was about follow. He stopped and awaited the warrior heading his way.

"Who goes there? I demand you to halt for inspection or face my wrath for your intolerance," said the warrior in a husky voice.

It was Onyx, a Warrior of Metal, and a fighter for the Forces of Light. He was tall and very muscular. His body was divided down the middle into two distinct parts.

His left side was pure silver metal with which the light bounced off and sparkled like a kaleidoscope of colours. His right side was pure flesh.

He wore a golden helmet in the shape of a grizzly bear's upper head, and it looked like it was devouring his head. He wore metal armour from the waist down and a golden sword latched to his side.

The Dark One was in high spirits. He was acquainted with this warrior on his travels. It was almost unfair to the warrior before him to be the one to happen upon him.

His superiors truly did not treasure this place. They leased a second-grade warrior to protect it and all its precious secrets. He considered the warrior inferior but then again, he the Dark One was a Ruincrucian (Ruin-Crew-She-Ann).

"You are not authorized to be in the Archives and a warrior who emits such a light like lavender is definitely here with dark intentions. Prepare to be exterminated," asserted Onyx with a scowl.

In his own sadistic and dark mind, he waged war on Onyx and easily won.

"Did you hear me?" shouted Onyx.

The Dark One just stood there and looked past Onyx. What he was in search of was close at hand. He could feel its pull. It was calling to him. It desired those secrets to be revealed and those works of art to be flexed and he would do it justice. It was a door which appeared enormous even from far.

Onyx was getting annoyed at the Dark One.

"Answer me this," hollered a hot-tempered Onyx, truly like the grizzle on his head. "How did you, a warrior with such a vile aura breach the defences of the highly protected Archives?"

"Anyone one else would have been obliterated with their first step. Did someone help you and if so, who was it?" 


1) Who will win this upcoming battle, Onyx or the Dark One?

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