Chapter 3: Ancient History

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Valliant turned to Troy, gazed down at him and asked, "Is that how you truly feel Mr. Chan?"

Troy gulped and looked into Valliant's intimidating eyes as if he was staring down a sharp-eyed eagle ready to strike.

"That's exactly how I feel and then some," replied Troy, eager not to anger the tall muscular man situated before him but at the same time hoping to get across his point.

Valliant proceeded to question Troy. "And then some, what?"

Troy replied snobbishly. "As my good friend Shark said, I don't believe in ancient history, magic, or anything which cannot be explained by science or any other means and that's why I believe we shouldn't have to learn about it."

Valliant stalked up to the chalkboard.

He seized his long white nails and grinded them into the chalkboard, slowly moving them up and down, irritating the two who immediately covered their ears from the noise. It was like someone was drilling a hole into their head.

"That is for your disruptive behaviours today," said Professor Valliant. "The next time the two of you want to give your opinions, raise your hands or come after class."

"Now, I think it is time for the two of you to sit there and keep your mouths shut and listen to my reasoning for why history is taught in school."

"It is not for the fun of it. It is not to punish you or to take up your valuable time but for the many lessons it delivers to your young minds."

Troy and Shark were about to reply, even though they were told not too but Valliant interrupted them again like a dictator on a tirade.

"The lessons are hidden in the stories and must be deciphered and this can help in the real world with whichever job one decides to pursue."

"It teaches you that some have to work hard for what they want while others have it given to them on a silver platter. It also teaches you things are not always as they seem."

Valliant's eyes seemingly sparkled blue and the two swiftly noticed it and looked at each other. How did he do such?

Was it a glare from the setting sun which was now rupturing through the thick mist? No, it was all in their mind, but how was it both experienced it at the same time?

"History teaches you to learn from your mistakes and not to make them a second time but of course as we know, many do not learn from them."

Troy could no longer hold onto his comments. He would not be silenced like a child in a time out.

"Fine, history makes us supposedly learn from what others have done wrong but what about ancient history which is clearly fiction and has no point to it, except for the outrageous stories echoed back at us."

Valliant walked back in front of the two and asked, "Why do you think it is fiction? Is it because your minds are incapable of grasping the concept or is it because you have never experienced it on a first-hand basis?"

Shark was about to answer but like Troy he stopped and began pondering the question posed. Was it because they were taught this by their parents and had it reinforced by various media or was it truly their views and values?

Shark opened his mouth and said, "It's because they don't exist and shouldn't be taught or if they are then let it be an elective and not mandatory."

Valliant leaned on Shark's desk and rotated his head from one to the next, again like an eagle perched and ready to strike, "My boys, all of the ideas which go into books whether fiction or non-fiction come from somewhere and something very real."

"And where or what exactly is that?" asked a very skeptical Troy.

Valliant looked like he was hoping they asked that very question.

"They come from experience of course. It is just that some had many there with them to convince the rest of the world to believe their accounts."

"Others on the other hand, experienced it alone and lacked that or it happened a long time ago and they forgot about it but have subconsciously remembered and documented it."

"The mind is very complex, remember that. We tend to remember a lot of things but very distorted."

"The two of you must remember one key aspect. Even if what is on the mind is distorted, it is still something you have experienced and very real."

"That is how you have such a vivid image of it when you try to recall it for some purpose like the various authors of your textbooks."

Troy and Shark were trying to take it all in. Troy, who was smarter, found some type of an answer which would confidently defend his values and beliefs. He began uttering it with Shark cheering him on, but Valliant was not listening.

Valliant seemed preoccupied by an event happening in the hallway as if something or someone was there and addressing him with pertinent information which could be detrimental to their health if not focused upon.

Valliant cut short Troy's words and said, "I just remembered I have to do something very urgent for our lessons tomorrow which means I have to leave immediately."

Shark and Troy could see something was definitely wrong. Valliant was covering it up with a pitiful excuse. He was acting like something profound would happen to him if he did not leave at once.

"Rise up from your seats and follow me at once," ordered an assertive Valliant.

The two adhered without any questions. This was not the professor they came to pity for his lack of control over students. His attitude had shifted greatly from a quite mouse to an upset lion.

They followed him down a long slightly darkened corridor, passing by various doors and lockers.

They finally stopped before a mahogany door with no window on it like all the others in the school.

"Wait out here and do not move," said a strict Valliant.

He placed his hand onto the doorknob, opened the door, and walked into the room it shielded. The door strangely closed behind Valliant without any aid but it went unnoticed by the two.

Troy and Shark were pre-occupied. They were aware the science professor was the meanest and nastiest person they had ever laid eyes on. He made prisoners in a riot seemed tamed. 


1) Would anyone speak to their teacher or professor like Shark and Troy just did? 

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