Chapter 7: The Egyptian Exhibit

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Planet - Earth

The three proceeded to exit the van. Trentworth was the first to enter the museum when the two noticed something odd happen.

It looked as if Trentworth walked straight through the door like a ghost, no a vengeful poltergeist and then it opened.

Troy needed confirmation of what he had just witnessed.

"Did you just see that?" he said, pointing to the door, "It looked like he walked straight through the door."

Shark hesitated but finally replied, "Yeah, I did but it was probably our imaginations running wild because we want to think this guy is not normal but an alien of some sort."

"You're probably right. I kind of do think he is an alien which might explain his attitude," said Troy.

"The mist might also be playing a part in this," said Shark, gazing around like he was expecting someone to greet him, like a long-lost brother of sorts.

They entered the museum. It was huge from the inside opposed to how it looked from the outside. The main lobby had a glass roof and a curved reception desk but no receptionist.

There were many plants situated all over the place including ones hanging from the glass roof. There were two pathways both dark, one was positioned behind where Trentworth stood while the other was to the far left of them.

They spotted him talking to the curator who was short, bald and wearing a black suit.

Trentworth yelled in that prison warden voice of his. "Head right and wait me there and do not touch anything."

The two were tired of hearing his harsh tone and desired seriously to disobey him.

They proceeded to the right but what they did not notice was they headed to their right, which was Trentworth's left and the wrong way.

Along the way, they passed many distinct exhibits including the Mesozoic, Ancient Rome, and Greek.

Shark caught Troy's attention to the Ancient Egyptian exhibit. It was the only one not barricaded by glass or silver chains. It was dimly lit with pallid lights positioned on the yellow brick roof.

The two entered and received a chilling feeling down their spines. It felt like they were there before but in another lifetime.

A stronger feeling of déjà-vu came over them as they penetrated deeper. It seemed to have a hold on them and they could not resist its voice like a siren's song. It wanted to show them something of utmost importance.

Too proud, they did not admit it to the other, for fear of being ridiculed for the exact thing they had preached against.

Shark pointed to all the artefacts in amazement, sphinxes, pyramids, statues of Egyptian Gods arranged in the corners of the exhibit.

"These replica monuments are beautiful. Do they expect us to believe some ancient force built the real ones and not humans with the aid of advanced machines?"

Troy nodded in agreement while he strolled over to the sarcophagus which was at the center of the exhibit. It was pure bronze unlike the others he had seen and read about in his history books.

The face on the ancient tomb was scratched off but he recognized it. It was that of a panther's face which was also peculiar. All the others he read about had human faces.

There were also many other small golden depictions on the sarcophagus.

One depicted a cat headed creature being thrown into a sarcophagus while another depicted it being hurled into what appeared to be a spiralling vortex as a hooded figure dressed in a blue robe seemed to be guiding it through the vortex.

Shark moved over to Troy and noticed him caressing the ancient tomb.

"If warden Trentworth catches you touching that sarcophagus, we'll be in jail by tomorrow," said a joking Shark.

Troy was not paying attention. The sarcophagus was too captivating. It had a story to tell him and it was of utmost importance that he listened. He had to focus on its whisper so no other could over hear its words.

Its hold was stronger than the rooms for some strange and unexplainable reason, but why, he could not answer it.

Shark shook Troy, severing his concentration. "What is so interesting about this tomb?" he asked. "It's like all the rest we've seen in books and other museum trips."

Troy shrugged his shoulder, still a bit mesmerized. He did not reply, instead, he walked over to the other side and began inspecting the depictions. He could not believe his eyes. They were deceiving him. They were liars or he was having hallucinations.

Shark saw Troy's appalling expression. "What's wrong now?" he asked.

Troy replied, still in a state of astonishment, "There, there are English words engraved on this ancient tomb."

But how, Egyptians did not know English and the depictions were in symbols and signs, not letters and words. However, he could read what it said so the language had to be in English. It was the only one he knew.

Shark, in disbelief, quickly ran over to Troy and looked at the ancient tomb, but everything was in Hieroglyphics.

"Where are the English words? I don't see any of it," said a puzzled Shark.

"Right there, right there," pointed Troy. "Why can't you see it?"

All Shark perceived were more and more Hieroglyphics. Was Troy just pulling a childish prank on him?

"I know what you are thinking," said a frantic Troy, trying desperately to convince a now worried looking Shark.

"You're thinking I am making all of this up, that it's a trick but I am deadly serious. I can see or somehow read the words on this tomb. I'll prove it to you."

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1) If your bestfriend start saying they can read a foreign language you know they could not, would you believe them or think they're pulling a pranking on you?

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