Chapter 0: A Distant Past

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Hi everyone. I have added this chapter because it was on the advice which made sense from various contests I've entered. It will give hopefully an insight to the title character of the series and let you know why he is important to it all. I hope everyone likes it. 

Please let me know what you think. 

This chapter will be in both books from those who are on the second book can read it as well.

The air was heavy. The greatest weight in the universe sat on the chest of man, woman and warrior a like.

Tensions were high but it did not impact the current situation of the two whom formed it. If looks could kill, they would both be lying at the bottom of THE never ending well of the abyss known as the Pit of Darkness.

The winner of the deadly game of life and death would determine which warriors became freed from the heaviness crushing not only their bodies but their ka, their souls.

They looked like the embodiment of absolute Light and Dark, representations of whom we would choose to defend the side we stood on.

The two opposing warriors were no ordinary man or machine or beast. No, they were more than that. They were more than immortals like the Hyods and Acklytones. They were the first of their kind. The top of their family tree.

They were the Radiant Warrior of Light and the Messiah of Darkness.

They towered over the average sized warriors at fourteen feet. They were not Gigantees in size but even the mammoths themselves could not rival the raw power which exuded off the two.

The cracked diamond gate with the golden exterior was large from far. It was ajar and leading to the great tree.

An ant to the great ash was not an accurate depiction of size. The leaves were not green but a colour never seen before. It was a mixture of blue, lavender, and gold all mixed together and shimmering like the moonlight on the waters of a pond.

If you looked carefully, you could almost see cities located on the roots, the trunks, the barks and leaves. It was surrounded by eight orbiting planetoid spheres of a different world within. Worlds of fire flashed, words of water splashed and worlds of sand danced.

The land which was once a barren dessert was now a graveyard of fallen warriors of dark and light, of all Rudiments and sizes.

Those with wings, tentacles, multiple arms and heads and tails, all littered the ground like waste and debris left over from the wake of the strongest hurricane.

Only the two were left standing. The winds were too scared to blow. The waters remained silent. The trees afraid to move. The ground was in pain from the pressure which came from the heels of the two puncturing through it.

The white knight's armour glistened bright like a new born star. It was as if he was standing in the midst of a white sun. His red on the inside and white on the outside cape billowed in the windless atmosphere.

His face was too hard to discern from the serene light which exuded bliss but his hair, long and silver danced calmly.

His opponent, the dark knight's black vivid armour covered his entire body. He like his adversary stood in the midst of a swirling pool of a black hole of sorts, obscuring the vision of anyone whom tried to see his wicked face.

His skeletal black wing like cape dangled from his shoulder like living skin. Only dread emanated from him.

"Axial and the Earth you have hidden from me will be nothing more but a memory when I decimate them both and exterminate all life forever. I shall mould a new world. We are in the right place to do it all," said the Messiah of Darkness with vigour and poison in his voice.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now