Chapter 12: Stolen Scrolls

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Planet - Axial 

The Dark One shouted several words, "Antarctic De Freezium," while holding out his right hand, palm open.

The two Maurads, their blades close to gouging out his heart, pierced through his robe and punctured his skin but before they could do true harm, they froze. 

He gasped for dear life, unsure if the incantation would be able to hold such unyielding warriors.

He observed the smoke lifting and walked around the frozen Maurads who were taller than him and very disgusting in looks.

Ignoring his flesh wound, he proceeded with his instructions and lifted his right arm towards the top of the door, shouting, "Rothom, you appalling fool, appear and witness the Maurads incapacitated. Now open this door, there are no Guardians left."

The stone figure peered out of the wall again and said in its grumpy voice, "Enter, at your own risk."

The door rose slowly and steadily to reveal pure white lights which engulfed the Dark One.

He was blissful, his version of a heart was racing but not for him to flee but because of the thoughts of all the knowledge which awaited him at the end of his journey.

"This is it. I am here and no one can stop me now, no one," said the Dark One.

He proceeded into the massive chamber of light, which appeared to go on forever.

As he walked towards his destination, marble floors block-by-block with thick marble banisters arose from the depths of the Archives to facilitate him.

He gazed around and noticed small versions of the place he was in, spinning slowly in the purity of the light, each a different size.

He soon came to a slightly larger version of the Archives connected to the platform.

There he witnessed several sand-coloured scrolls orbiting the monument like Saturnis'(Sa-turn-is) rings. Some were written in black ink, some were blank, the truly powerful and enigmatic ones, and some were in multiple colours.

He cautiously placed his right hand with the ring now shining green onto the structure. He was immediately electrocuted with white lights and flung backwards onto his back.

"What is this? What is going?" he said, breathing heavily.

He quickly stood up and attempted it for four more times but with the same results, electrocuted by a white light and thrown backwards, but now the pain of his many falls was catching up with him.

"Try all you want Archives. I will not leave until I am in possession of what I want," he shouted.

Determined, he arose. He had worked too hard and risked his life to be where he stood. He was not a quitter; such a word was not in vocabulary.

He placed back his right hand onto the structure, and again was electrocuted.

In ache and desperately trying to hold on this time, he said in a quivering voice, "Scrollith in Mindium."

A gust of wind emerged and tried to propel him away but determined not to let go, but to push forward and be victorious, he held on until the scrolls he summoned came to him from the depths of the Archives, unwillingly.

He hurriedly let loose of the structure to grab the scrolls and place them into his robe.

He was discharged into the air by the wind coming from the profundity of the Archives but before he could land on his back, he took the ring and placed the stud to the ruby pendant while he was suspended in midair.

A dark olive ball surrounded him and rapidly heaved him out of the purity of the white chamber, passed the frozen Maurads, passed the dying Onyx, and into the black corridor. It blasted open the emerald doors and he was out of the Rothom Archives.

While he fled, the Archives slowly withdrew into the ground from where it came from, causing a colossal land shake. The perimeter obelisks returned to their black shade and dimmed away as if the Achieves was never there.

The Dark One left the land behind him in pure darkness and vanished into the nothingness. His master, the Messiah of Darkness was now one step closer to the goal.


1) Any ideas on why these scrolls are important to the Dark One and the Dark Empire and what they could possibly be on each?

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