Chapter 5: To The Museum

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Planet - Earth

Troy and Shark were pre-occupied. They were aware the science professor was the meanest and nastiest person they had ever laid eyes on. He made prisoners in a riot seemed tamed.

His name was Professor Trentworth (Trent-worth). He was tall like Valliant but unlike his co-worker; he had dark blue-black hair down to his shoulders. 

His hair was the forum for many school discussions, especially for a man who looked like he was nearing his 60's.

Trentworth had a rap sheet for somewhat using physical violence against his students when they did not cooperate with his teachings or when they did not pay attention in class.

He was noted for heaving chalks at students who chatted and thought it went unnoticed or throwing water on top of a student's head for getting an obvious answer wrong.

Many students had complained about his actions to their principal and parents but it was always ignored. He seemed to have them under some type of charm like a sorcerer when confronted about the situations.

Valliant walked out of the room and broke their train of thought.

"Meet Professor Trentworth in his lab," said Professor Valliant. "And be respectful to him, not like you are with me."

They watched Valliant disappear at the end of the hall.

They cautiously pushed the door opened and entered the lab.

The lab had an elongated desk seated on a stretched platform in the front of the room. Each desk had a silver sink and pipe. On the walls were element tables and anatomy charts of the human body.

The two stood at the front of the lab and looked around but noticed Professor Trentworth was not there. They decided to hurriedly exit when it happened, two large red hands landed on their shoulders.

The two slowly turned around to witness the holder. It was Professor Trentworth and he was scowling down at them with his massive sapphire eyes as if he was x-raying all the way to their souls.

He said to them in a weighty and lingering voice.

"Unlike Professor Valliant, I will not tolerate disobedience and if the two of you try anything of the sort, I will severely punish you."

The two could imagine the sorts of punishment he was referring too. Maybe he would lock them in a closet without a view, pin them to the wall with knives or worse.

Trentworth continued on with his bellowing, "And Since the two of you are spending the remaining of your detention with me, you will be accompanying me on a little expedition," and he pointed to the door, "Now head to the parking lot, and await me there."

The two rushed out of the lab, like a plague was about to break out and headed directly to the parking lot.

The mist had not subsided as they saw earlier but was thickening as if it was trying to conceal a hidden secret from the public's eyes.

They could hardly see the one vehicle in the lot which was surrounded by barbed wire fences on all sides.

Trentworth drove a beat up, dark blue minivan covered in rust at the bottom and dirt on the wheels.

The two inspected the van when Trentworth appeared behind them out of know where and howled, "Get in, now. We are going to the museum."

The two were about to open the sliding doors when they felt a giant squeeze on their shoulder like a vice grip.

"Let me make this clear. When we get to the museum, the two of you are not to touch anything, cause any trouble or else there will be severe punishments."

After rubbing their shoulders and imaging the worst he could do to them, like shackling them to their desks or confiscating their cell phones for a day, the two entered the van, sat down and were silent for the entire trip.

They soon arrived at the museum which was mostly enshrouded. The building was decorated with many long blue stain glass windows. The automatic glass door was the only piece of modern technology present.

Trentworth parked his minivan and repeated, "Do not touch anything or else."

The three proceeded to exit the van. Trentworth was the first to enter the museum when the two noticed something odd happen.

It looked as if Trentworth walked straight through the door like a ghost, no a vengeful poltergeist and then it opened.

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