Chapter 16: The Thief and The Thunderer

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The sky was bright blue and decorated by stunning white clouds so vivid and cotton like. A huge and thick forest surrounded a small village in the north, east and south, while a seemingly never-ending field of short grass lay on its west.

The trees in the forest were tall, enormous and strong enough to hold up two-story russet houses which were completed around them.

The village was finished with several petite manors and buildings. Some houses were made of oak wood and had small trees on top of their roofs while others had a faded red cone roof.

The village's only main street led to the largest building, the Paladian (Pal-a-d-an) Marketplace where merchants from around the land came to do business.

Hecklers of different races came to the market. The diversity of warriors was many, from Humantians to Driads, Osteros to Awrakks, Slitherers to Centaurs and Satyrs to Lyiades.

The marketplace sold items from vegetables, attires, fake incantations, to drinks and oils to improve one's Rudimental powers and unique abilities.

The Paladian Market had marble walls, a glass roof, and a huge sundial before it. It had four rook shaped towers giving it the appearance of a small castle.

On top of the marketplace, there was a clairvoyant sphere, which changed its appearance every minute to one of the eight Rudiments.

Inside the marketplace were many stores of all kind. Each had a glass door which vanished when a customer decided to enter.

The provision stores had floating rectangular racks outside displaying the various fruits and vegetables on sale.

The attire stores had mannequins displaying the new robe or armour in style, while the health store had statues of Osteros, Awrakks, and Driads aging and de-aging, ridding themselves of afflictions and other severities.

From the ground level, the patrons could see up to the glass roof and the dancing red balloon shaped lanterns which illuminated the entire place from the hanging golden lamps below.

There were small trees and ponds situated all over the marketplace somewhat giving it the look of a miniature forest.

There were spiralling staircases all around, aiding patrons to the second floor but no one ever found the staircase to the mysterious third floor.

Located outside the shop door of Pallas, a Lyiade (Lie-ad), half-lion from the waist down and half-Humantian from the waist up with lion teeth and lion ears and long golden hair, was a scout and a Thief in a dark red robe and hood.

He was observing everyone's movements very carefully. It was a stakeout for a crime he was about to commit but wished he did not have to.

When all of the patrons left the fruit section of the store, he darted in, before others could replace them.

This section had waxen floors and walls and constant illumination from the yellow and red lanterns.

He commenced gasping as many fruits as he could carry into his robe from the hovering stands. He pilfered flaming fire pommes, gold ginneps, watering kangkores and electrifying thunder mobzees.

He quickly rushed to the beverage section, which was deserted. This division had dark blue floors, silver lighting from the long twirling brushwood above.

He snatched vials and bottles of icy water, lava juice, and wood nectar.

He was about to leave without paying which he felt ashamed of. He did not have any Quetzels (Ket-zels). No one would employ him. They regarded him as a low-class filth.

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