Chapter 1: The Skeptics of Magic

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Planet - Earth

The town of York was very small with a population of only 500. It was composed of small groups of families who were acquainted with each other.

Today, the small town was being devoured by a light mist which made the air fresh in scent and the weather somewhat chilly.

Jeremiah "Shark" Kingsland and Troilus "Troy" Chan were best friends who attended York High and fell into the popular and jock category.

They were serving detention for their back talking to their history professor.

Shark was Jeremiah's nickname because he was a talented swimmer. He was tall with short black hair and somewhat muscular.

Troy was not tall like his best friend. He was medium built with jet-black hair down to his neck.

They both were wearing their school uniform which consisted of a grey dress pant and a blue sweater.

Shark and Troy were very athletic and attended karate class on a weekly basis. They loved to play video games but were very skeptical of the games they played, especially the ones which included mythology, magic, and ancient history.

They only believed in events and occurrences they could see with their naked eyes or happened in the time they lived in and even to that, they were skeptical of.

This was the reason for their detention. Shark and Troy had earlier disrupted Professor Valliant, a pale and very tall man with long silver white hair and a silver goatee who was teaching a chapter on ancient history.

In class, they were constantly shouting and screaming out that none of the events Valliant was teaching about were true. They were upset they had to learn about it all because it had absolutely no value or use to them in the real world.

Detention was held in a small rectangular classroom filled with empty metal chairs and desks. The room literally looked like a prison because of the bars which were wrapped around the windows.

Shark and Troy were seated in the front row with their feet placed on the top of their desks. They were chewing gum which was prohibited by their school policy.

Shark looked over to the closest window and observed mist slowly eating away at the beautiful scene the football field emanated.

"I've never seen this type of mist before, have you? It's very peculiar," commented Shark.

Troy looked over to the windows. Shark was correct. York was not a town which had a history of a downpour of creepy, uncanny mist.

"No," replied Troy in a worried tone. "I've never seen it either, nor have I ever heard my parents mention anything about it and they love to preach at me about wearing proper clothing. Since they're meteorologists, they would've known there's a thick mist heading our way."

Shark was somewhat mesmerized by the mist as if it had a captivating story to tell him and him alone. Finally, he broke away from its gripping hold.

"I hope it finishes before we head home," he said. "But taking a more careful look, it doesn't seem to have any intentions of ending."

Troy smiled at Shark and said, "You aren't scared, are you?"

He was hoping to get an arouse out of his friend since detention was absolutely boring with nothing to do. Detention was to torture misdoings by wrongdoers but he should not be there. He was executing his constitutional right of free speech.

"No," retorted Shark, "I'm not a coward like some."

"That's not what I meant," replied Troy who had caught Shark's words of sudden retaliation, but it did do the trick.

"Then what did you mean?" asked Shark.

"What I meant was, Valliant's always preaching about things like, the mist usually hides hidden fears which everyone hopes never surfaces," replied Troy.

"You and I both know that, that's a load of bull," asserted Shark.

Before Troy could reply, the door swung opened and in glided Professor Valliant. He was wearing a black dress pant and grey sweater vest over his white shirt. 

He walked towards the duo as he grunted. With a roughish heave, he pushed both Shark's and Troy's feet off the desk with only an arm each. 

He proceeded to ask them to open their mouths and with hesitation they did so. He pulled out the chewing gums from their mouths and deployed them into the garbage bin.

He soon began questioning the two about their behaviours.

"Now, which one of the two of you is going to explain your earlier outbursts in class today?" asked Professor Valliant in his serene but deep tone of voice.

Shark took to the stand first and replied, looking Valliant straight in his silver-grey eyes so the professor would know he was not joking when he answered.

"Troy and I don't believe in this ancient history folktale which is constantly being shoved down our throats and we feel we shouldn't have to learn about it."

Valliant turned to Troy, gazed down at him and asked, "Is that how you truly feel Mr. Chan?"

Troy gulped and looked into Valliant's intimidating eyes as if he was staring down a sharp-eyed eagle ready to strike.

Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting. The excitement is to come soon for Shark and Troy, continue reading.

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