Chapter 2: The Dark One's Journey Begins

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Planet - Axial

The stifling air hung thick and unbearable in the immeasurable land. Pure darkness enshrouded the barren terrain which appeared to support no life whatsoever. In the middle of the mud-covered ground stood an ominous warrior. The Dark One.

The brother of Panthora was dressed in a red and silver robe which fell above his knee. A red hood concealed his face and a golden chain with a ruby pendant gleamed from his neck.

The airless atmosphere did not trouble him. He was prepared for its suffocating hold.

He cautiously walked towards what appeared to be four massive black obelisks.

They formed what appeared to be a perimeter around something of utmost importance, something he sought for such a long time and committed numerous unspeakable acts to get too. It was like the golden fleece to a Grecian for him.

As he neared the obelisks, he noticed they began to glow white leaving behind their dark shade.

He was nervous and somewhat scared, what was a heart to him was constantly pounding on his chest, desperately trying to escape its captor, him. It knew if its master made one wrong move, he would instantaneously be stricken to death.

He stopped and gazed up at the giant monuments and observed how they formed a ball of pure white light. The orb of light grew immensely while illuminating the infinite land more.

He quickly raised his right arm and undid his cufflink to reveal a hidden object.

He grasped the object with his left hand which was a golden ring with a mauve cloverleaf stud. He calmly placed it onto his middle finger on his right hand. It had to all be done with preciseness or the hands of Death herself would come for him.

He raised his wicked right hand towards the obelisks and said several words, which were incantations, "Obelisk Furium Extinguishum."

Soon the white ball of light evaporated into smoke, but the obelisks did not return to their original shade as he was told. They were glowing whiter until they eventually transformed to pure silver diamond.

The Dark One did not know what was happening.

Frozen, he contemplated leaving, but again if he made one wrong move, it would mean the end of his life. Those cold, dead, scab filled hands would pull him down to a place where there was no chance of return.

He had trained in the most difficult of circumstances and conditions for this arena and many more to come.

He was not going to leave and be humiliated by his brothers like General Chrome and his sisters like Panthora, but most importantly his master, his father, the one who can end his life with one gaze.

The Dark One continued on while still holding his right arm in the air.

He began uttering another incantation, "Revelium de Casium," while aiming the ring at the middle of the formation.

The Dark One stood there trying not to move a limb. As he waited for the next occurrence to take place.

Soon the land shook like the ground beneath him would open and swallow him alive.

He did his best to keep his balance, to keep every shaking limb from moving and causing his untimely downfall, even though the black mouldy ground he stood upon was breaking apart, clutching him, and sending him slightly into the depths of the land.

Bright white lights sprungg up from the perimeter the obelisks were guarding.

The white lights were extremely bright, and he needed his arm against its intense rays.

A dark green beam in the form of a jade tiger with dark stripes, yellow eyes, golden claws, and a pair of long curving shaver teeth soared from the ring and flew right into the white lights, like a shooting star.

The land trembled again, and he did not know if his body, mainly if his feet could withstand another blow. 

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now