Chapter 9: Mesmerizing Words of Terror

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Planet - Earth

Shark did not know what to make of it all. Troy seemed genuinely to believe what he was saying. Then, Troy's words of, "I'll prove it to you," started to play in his mind like a violin and all he thought of was, how?

Troy started to read the words aloud and Shark's attention shifted back and forth from Troy to the ancient tomb.

"Here lies the body of the Ruincrucian Panthora (Pan-thor-a), one of the most villainous warriors to walk Axial, the Kingdom of Rudiments," said Troy and Shark gasped for reality. "She controls the Rudiment of Earth and should be destroyed."

Shark still could not see the words. He pictured his best friend, locked in a white room with a straight jacket on for his own protection.

Wanting frantically to believe, Shark looked once more but this time there were English words or at least he could understand everything Troy had just read. He now pictured himself in the white room with Troy, locked away for their own safety.

He was losing his mind like his best friend. These words were not there before. What was going on? Was this a dream of his? It had to be. Then the feeling of déjà-vu came over him.

He had seen this tomb before in a distant life. He had a connection with it, but how? Was this what Troy was feeling?

Troy pulled on Shark's hand and all the horrible thoughts coercing through his mind subsided for the time being.

"There's more," continued Troy with acceptance in his voice.

Shark stared at the rest of the words while Troy read it aloud, "All who reads this will awaken her."

Troy became pale and Shark could see it but was still in disbelief.

A freaked-out Troy stepped away from the tomb like it would reach out and bite him while grasping Shark on the arm and pulling the disenchanted friend away with him.

Shark shrugged off Troy's grasp and shouted, "Why are you so scared? It's not real. It's not as if whatever's in there will awaken and cause havoc on the unsuspecting citizens of York that only happens in the movies."

Troy could hear the fear in Shark's voice, not fear from what they had just read but the fear which came from being able to read the depictions, without any knowledge of how.

Shark could hear something, it was a voice, a distinct one, one he was familiar with. It was Valliant's and he was uttering repeatedly, "They come from experience."

No, Valliant was wrong. He had never experienced anything of the sort and this was all just some trick, an illusion.

Shark needed one last look. He slowly turned to the sarcophagus and hoped it were not understandable anymore and therefore not real, when it happened.

The words and depictions started to glow scarlet.

Both abruptly stepped away but still desired to see what was going to happen next. The scarlet light became brighter and the two made haste for the exit.

The lid of the sarcophagus was coming loose while sand was spewing out and down the side like a waterfall. As the lid became undone, more scarlet light shot through the seal.

A huge gust of wind propelled the lid completely off, hammering the yellow brick roof and causing the exhibit to tremble in fear.

The gust of wind had blown the two to a nearby wall.

Shark was the first to stand and noticed the place in ruins, the sphinxes were missing their heads, the pyramids were in pieces but the Gods remained in dexterity and sand was all over the place.

"Oh man, Trenthworth is going to blame us for this," said a panicking Shark.

"Is that what you're worried about?" said a breathless and scared Troy.

He stood up and looked over to the sarcophagus. A hand, old and bandaged, grab the side of the ancient tomb and his heart shuddered in terror. 

He was frozen, paralyzed with fear, but his eyes could not look away.

Big trouble is here for Shark and Troy now. How will they handle this?

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now