Chapter 10: The Final Guards

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Planet - Axial

At that second, something fell into place in Onyx's mind it seemed, and he gazed at the blurred figure of the Dark One.

"Who are you? Do I know you? Are we acquainted somehow?" pleaded Onyx reluctantly.

The Dark One did not reply, instead he walked away. He summoned a fireball and aimed it at Onyx who was struggling to summon a metalball.

The Dark One threw the fireball and Onyx released his metalball but it was of no match for the ferocious flames of the fire. 

It impaled him, blasting him to the wall like a pinned crucifix. Onyx immediately fell to the ground and the silver light around him dimmed even faster.

The Dark One did not wait to see if Onyx had survived or died, he continued down the hallway. With every step he took he was one step closer and he could feel it on the tips of his fingers. Elation rose within him.

He arrived at the massive door, which was in the form of an arc. It was made of grey crystals. The door had signs of impacts on it, from craters to dents.

He placed his right hand onto the door while the cloverleaf stud blazed. He proceeded to slide his hand up and down for eight times, following precise instructions once more. When he finished, he walked backwards.

A stone headed figure peered out of the marble wall on top of the doorway. It was a head with curving horns piercing out of it on both sides.

The figure said in a grumpy voice, "Only the great Hyod's, Guardians of Light are allowed into the Rothom Archives, everyone else shall meet their end."

The figure said an incantation and laughed. "Maurads El Apearium," and disappeared back into the wall where it came from.

At the left and right of the door, cold, white smoke burst from the floor and engulfed the corridor. When the smoke settled and suppressed to the floor, there stood two warriors.

They were the Maurads (Mow-rods), Guardians and last defence of the Rothom Archives. They looked like skeletons of Humantians (Hu-man-tee-ans) but covered in ice.

They wore a grey helmet with a Mohawk of ice, kilts made from steel and grey metal boots with human skulls covering their kneecaps. On their hands were gauntlets of grey metals with spikes peering out.

The Dark One was tense. The Maurads were strong and not only that, they were also immortals and relentless warriors. 

If he did not act fast and if his instructors training was not on point then these warriors would send him into the arms of Death.

The Maurads levitated their right arms out and swords made of bones and a rhombus blade materialized into their cold and deadly hands. 

They quickly grasped the swords and charged towards the Dark One who was barely able to flip over them to escape their blades.

The Maurads shouted to the invader in a slow and terrifying voice, "Only the Hyods are allowed here, and all others must perish."

The smoke was thickening and soon he would not be able to see his oppressors. He had to act now, or this could be it.

He saw the Maurads synchronize themselves and charge at him but being a little quicker, he backflipped to escape again, however, one of their blades sliced through his robe to graze his elbow.

Clutching it, he skillfully zigzagged passed them to the door and quickly turned around to see only a silhouette of them.

They were truly relentless. They were cold, they had no expressions. They did not care about anything or anyone except for their job. Such power was desirable.

"Only the Hyods are allowed here, and all others must perish," they kept repeating over and over in their slow and deranged voices like a mantra.

They came close to piercing him in what should be his heart and it prepared to shatter but being quick, he leapt into the air and witnessed their blades clout the door.

This was what he needed to happen. It was the second step to opening it.

He landed behind them and said, "I am well aware that the two of you are immortals and cannot die but it does not mean you cannot be frozen."

His instructions were clear. He had to suppress them for the moment, but it was not an easy task.

He shouted several words, "Antarctic De Freezium," while holding out his right hand, palm open.

The two Maurads, their blades close to gouging out hisheart, pierced through his robe and punctured his skin.


1) Onyx's fate is left undetermined at this point, will he survive or has there been too much damage done to him by the Dark One? What do you all think? 

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