Chapter 14: The Mysterious Stranger

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Planet - Earth

The air was palpable. The tension could be cut with a dull dagger. The atmosphere was full of debris from a battle which would soon become a memory and lost to those who happened upon a room which would shed its damaged skin to revert back to its past life but not before a key player was no more.

Draped in the sapphire robe, he stood in the desiccated room without moving while still holding the ice sceptre.

In no time, hundreds of spheres manufactured from sand came plummeting towards him.

The warrior did not move, even though the oncoming onslaught would be disastrous to his health.

When the assault was extremely close, he moved the ice sceptre towards it while still facing the direction of where the golden gates were.

He opened his palm, the ice sceptre vanished, and a rupture of wind filled with pure white snowflakes engulfed the sandstorm and spheres, turning them all into mist.

When the mist subdued, there stood Panthora, holding two long silver spears, twirling them like a windmill.

Her warrior instincts had risen to the surface. She was ready for the ensuing fight. She was out for the icar (blood) of the warrior before her.

"I cannot believe this is where you have been hiding," she said daringly. "Yes, I know who you are. You can hide your identity from this world, but you cannot hide it from me, my Lord."

She said, the words my Lord, with as little respect as she could muster.

He had vanished from his home for what had to be a hundred years. But of course, he would be hiding on Earth the Lost Kingdom of Man, a Kingdom thought to be a myth until proven false by the Traitor, the Emissary so close to the Hyods, a Kingdom, the Empire of Light assumed would be the safest place for the two.

But one question etched its way into her head. Was he alerted to where she was transported too? Was he ready to prevent her master's grand plan?

No, all the precautions were taken to ensure this did not happen. This was where he chose to hide from all the chaos he left behind.

The representation of what was a heart to her was rushing and boiling. Her breasts were heaving up and down. She was not a match for him and she did not care. It was a bear versus a feline but this feline came with better tricks than a magician.

The mysterious warrior continued staring away from her as if she was not even there. It annoyed her.

"So, you do not want to talk? It's okay with me," she said, attempting to still gain his attention.

"If you are here then it means you were aware I would find my way to them and attempt to send them back to HIM so he would be able to end the reign of the Empire of Light. Is it not so?"

The room fell into a long silence only to be broken by Panthora who became even angrier with the warrior for not answering her.

"Your silence is infuriating! Do not think I can't get my hands on them. You can't stop me." She howled.

Her warrior instincts, reaching to the surface made her literally heave herself impulsively to him and attempt to pierce him in the gut except he vanished when the spear neared him, leaving behind a glamorous snowfall.

"Where have you gone? Show yourself," she bellowed.

Twirling the spears, she could not detect him, but of course, it was because of whom he was which made him untraceable.

He finally answered and said in a rough voice from behind her as she stood there in fear, from only the sound of his voice.

"No force of Dark is a match for me, and will never be a match for me. You should know that, if you truly know who I am."

Scared and desperately trying to get out of her predicament, Panthora dematerialized with sand surrounding her.

She materialized with sand cascading down her body to stand behind the robed warrior and this time, she managed to thrust the spears through his robe and into his spine.

She could feel the impact it made with his body. It was like hitting steel and diamond at once. She had accomplished the unthinkable. She had killed a warrior thought to be untouchable.

She again dematerialized and materialized so she could see his expression of suffering but the shock was on her.

"No this cannot be, no," she said anxiously.

He was holding the spears she had just plunged into his back with his cold hands. Before she could react, he jabbed the spears into her stomach.

"No, no!!! This is not happening," she cried out.

Panthora looked down at the spears now half way through her body. A dark red substance spewed out of her like a broken pipeline.

She could feel the sting creeping up to her depiction of a heart, informing it to stop pumping life into a dying cause.

He proceeded leisurely to pull out the spears, one by one and at the same time whispering into her ear, "I believe this is what you desired to do."

He walked away from her and she fell to the cold and cluttered ground on her hands and knees. She attempted to stand with blood still discharging from her gaping wound.

"You underestimate me. I will write wrong such a mistake," said Panthora in a quivering voice.

When the hooded warrior neared the exit, he stopped and turned around. A cerulean light headed straight at her and she knew it was all over. 

The scabbed hands of Death herself was before her eyes and absolute terror and torture would blanket her for all eternity.

She was instantaneously frozen like the arctic. In no time, the ice shattered like glass, Panthora was no more, and the hooded figure was gone. 

The room cleansed of it's wounds as if no one was ever there and it was never disturbed.  


1) What did you all think about Panthora's demise?

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