Chapter 11: Mummies Alive

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Planet - Earth

Shark stood up and looked over to the sarcophagus. A hand, old and bandaged, grab the side of the ancient tomb and his heart shuddered in terror. He was frozen, paralyzed with fear, but his eyes could not look away.

The person or thing slowly stood up in the sarcophagus and pallid lights broke through the scarlet light to reveal a woman with a black panther's head.

Her hair was long, black, and filthy. She had dull decrypted teeth. Her body was bandaged like an Egyptian corpse.

She wore a black and red breastplate embedded with a golden orb and a white and red striped kilt.

Her hands and feet resembled that of panther's paws but functional as human's hands and feet. On her left index finger was positioned a golden ring with a ruby stud.

The pallid lights completely ceased and the panther headed women hoisted herself into the air and onto the ground, landing like a cat, ready to pounce on her prey.

She was observing her surroundings and seemed surprised to be released. She looked at her hands and feet like she had never seen them before. Her red eagle eyes then fell upon Shark and Troy.

Their hearts were pounding, their lungs were gasping for air. The two were petrified from what they were witnessing.

The woman opened her panther mouth and started to speak. Her words were not in English but Shark and Troy could understand everything she said.

She declared to them in a smooth and sadistic tone of voice like a deranged criminal, "I am so happy to be finally freed from that Hyod awful prison."

"What took the two of you so long? I have been waiting for a very lengthy period for your arrival, for only the two of you could have freed me from my confinement," she said.

She was enjoying the fear she was inflicting, the fear which made her feel exhilarated for who she was, a warrior who delivered death.

The two were very puzzled by her words. Their hearts still running a marathon while sweat slithered down their faces and other parts of their body.

"The two of you don't recognize who I am, do you?" she asked and then her voice changed to an angry tenor like a scorned witch, "But do not worry. I still recognize the two of you," she pointed angrily.

They were literally bewildered by her words. They had never met her before. They would have definitely remembered a woman with the head of a panther.

"My name is Panthora, for your recollection and it's because of the two of you," and she pointed to them, "That I was imprisoned for what felt like a century and now it is my time for revenge."

She was clearly mistaking them for another two who looked like them. Maybe it was their ancient ancestors?

She opened her hands and summoned a ball of what appeared to be a miniature sandstorm and then she flung it at them.

Shark still petrified, was tackled to the ground by Troy.

"Thanks! That was close," said a scared and trembling Shark.

"Don't thank me yet, it's not over," replied Troy, breathing heavily. He continued watching Panthora's every movement like a hawk.

The sandball continued on, impacting the wall, and exploding, forming a greater sandstorm.

The two turned around, eyes widened. They attempted to escape the grasp of the sandstorm but it was too late.

They were carted into it like the pull from a vacuum. It spun them around like a twister and eventually released them to the rear of Panthora.

They landed on their knees.

Mustering all the courage he had inside, Shark said to Troy, "We have to get out of here if we hope to see the next day or that thing," and he pointed to her, "Is going to kill us."

Panthora lofted herself into the air, formed a dozen more balls of sandstorm, and dispatched them like a cannon.

The two, fearing for their lives with every breath, lunged out of the way. They quickly hid behind a yellow canoe, but it was too late, her eagle eyes had spotted them.

She hurled another ball of sandstorm and it demolished the canoe into pieces, scattering it all over the place like broken glass.

"We must stand and fight, if we expect to live," said Troy bravely, wondering where such a feeling came from.

"Your right! We have to use all we were taught in karate class. This is the time to truly demonstrate if we were deserving of our belts," replied Shark.

"Let's split up and hopefully get out of this alive," said Troy with a gulp.

He ran to her right and Shark to her left. The two could not believe where this sudden support of courage came from. It felt like they had done this before which somehow reinforced her accusations earlier.

Panthora stood there and watched them. This was too easy. She could toy with them physically and psychologically.

She laughed coldly at their attempts. "Mere warriors like the two of you do not expect to be a match for a Warrior of Earth, like me, do you?" she said. "I will be heavily rewarded when I bring the two of you back to HIM."

They were not listening to her constant self praises of her abilities. They were pre-occupied with trying to stop her chattering, permanently.

Panthora could think of nothing but her reward. The shadowed figures except her siblings like Chrome and the Dark One, were cheering for her capture of the two who were trapped in a hovering oval cage like thunder-rats and then came a voice, slow and raspy.

"You are my best warrior, and for that, all you desire shall be yours. Your name shall go down in the scrolls as the one who ended their victory, their reign."

Shark, taking advantage of her distraction, grabbed a golden spear which was lying next to the wall and shouted at her, "I am tired of your blabbering," and then he charged at her, holding the spear in a thrusting position, aiming for her chest.

He thought to himself while running, this was it. It would not be easy but he hoped they would be the victor after the battle was over.

Panthora, out of her trance, opened her mouth wide almost as if she was unhinging her jaws like a snake.

She released spheres of grime at him but remembering his training in martial arts he countered each with the spear while heaving the rest out of the way and with success to his amazement.

He came face to face with her and attempted to stab her in the heart but she merely bent backwards and he missed. She struck him with her leg in the chest, sending him flying straight towards a glass display case.

He crashed into it with his back, shattering the glass into many pieces. He could not move. He was paralyzed and could not feel anything because if he could, he would be shrieking louder than a whistle. 


1) If a magical creature like Panthora, good or bad came alive before your eye, how would you react? I know how I would.

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