Chapter 59: A Trap Set

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He stared at it, concentrating long and hard as if it was some complex Einstein math equation which needed to be solved but it was not. The glinting of the red satin cloth did not need to be solved. He knew what it was and what it did.

The red made him angry like a bull who turned the corner and saw the eye-catching colour.

Shark could not believe he was feeling such, but everyday they set up the marquee after no clue or trace of the prophecy. Disappointment accompanied them like an ill patient, bringing their mood down, worse than rain on an Easter weekend.

They had travelled for three months and it was now Heliocantember without a trace or a sign from the prophecy. Each was agitated. They snapped every time they did not agree on something. The stress was getting to them regardless of all their attempts to control it.

It was not easy like Lord Valliantious made it out to be. Channelling their anger and negativity into something positive was very hard to do since they had no clue or direction on where to look.

This Holy Grail of an item was worse than the proverbial needle in a haystack, at least with the needle, they knew to look in the haystack. As for where to start looking for the prophecy, they were at a loss.

They ventured in a lot of the strong holds of Light in Hyoditic with nothing to show for it. It was too dangerous to venture into territories of the Dark which had more protections than Apprentice Hall these days which outlined how fast the Messiah of Darkness was rising.

They had convinced themselves that no one of Light would hide something so important like the Prophecy of Luminosity and the Balance of the Order in places desecrated by the touch of vile warriors like those who pledge their loyalty to Omegon.

Pyro was about to enter the marquee when he smelled burning ash and the scent of Sulphur which caught his immediate attention.

"Something's burning and it's close by."

Troy with his newly gained ability from the Wind was able to use his keen eyes which were like the lenses of a telescope allowing him to zoom his sight further in the distance than the others. He found the source and pointed it out.

"Over there. I can see something. A village of sorts."

The four looked on in horror. They saw a circular formation of trees burning while they desperately tried to fan with their leaves, the fire away. The trees formed a border around a crumbled rock wall which resembled pebbles now.

They made haste for the village and burning trees, Shark in the lead. His eyes scanned the broken and incinerated homes and buildings. He knew there was no way they could check all the homes to look for survivors. His heart was bleeding for the lives lost.

Troy looked down at the broken arched entry way Shark ran under and saw a fallen sign which most likely fell from the top of the arch the battered archway.

"Valluiem," said Troy, crouched down and analyzing the burnt sign.

"We have to do something before they succumb!" said Shark, running to the blaze and wondering why his friends were taking their sweet time.

"Stop Shark," shouted Arion and Pyro. "Come back."

The three quickly hurried after Shark and witnessed him using his raging river to extinguish the thick and swaggering flames.

They scanned the place very carefully to observe its setting. It was a canopy of vines and leaves, encircling the perimeter and the fire was coming from two places, the trees, and the middle of the canopy where the small village of Valluiem lay desecrated and dead.

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