Chapter 13: Pierce Through to Another Time

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Planet - Earth

Shark crashed into it with his back, shattering the glass into many pieces. He could not move. He was paralyzed and could not feel anything because if he could, he would be shrieking louder than a whistle.

Troy, scared for Shark's life, picked up an ancient boomerang sitting at his feet. It would not end her reign but he hoped it would distract her from the fallen Shark.

He flung it at her; however, she caught it, and immediately threw it back at him. He wanted to sprint out of its path except it was too fast. He decided to catch it and in astonishment, he did.

Panthora looked at Troy and smiled as she formed a sand spear with a diamond shaped head. "I will take care of you after."

She focused her attention towards Shark like the panther she was, ready to sink her teeth into her prey.

He was still lying on the shattered glass, now unconscious. She was about to strike him when Troy shouted at her with all the strength and courage he had within.

"Do not turn your back on me!"

Panthora calmly turned around but then shrieked when she saw something happening to Troy. Whatever it was, had caught her off guard as if she did not expect it to happen this soon or at all.

"No! Not now! I was so close," she exclaimed.

Wind was forming around him, blowing his hair and clothing in all directions. He did not understand where this wind was coming from, but he felt his heart calming down. Everything could be alright.

All of a sudden something eccentric and wonderful was coercing through his veins. He was conscious of what he had to do. He had done this before surely in a past life, but when or where was another story which he did not have time for.

He placed his right hand out straight and glared at her with rage. The wind surrounding him formed a diminutive hurricane and immediately impeded her, sending her soaring to the wall, smashing into it hard and cracking it.

"You will feel my full wrath for that," she howled out in anger.

The beast within her had awoken and she looked like she was out for blood. She slowly stood up, extended her head outwards, unhinging her jaws once more and formed fifty spears with one breath.

She commanded them with her index finger and they hurled themselves at Troy, who was still in shock by what he had just done.

He finally noticed the predicament he was in, but it was too late. He was trapped like a rat in front of a bullseye with no room for maneuvering and she was aware of it.

He and Panthora then witnessed a barrage of what seemed like a small river of water collide into the spears, dissolving them in to mud.

"Where did that come from?" exclaimed a surprised Troy, not expecting to be saved at the last moment by a miracle, for that is exactly what it was.

It was Shark. It was Shark who had saved his life in the last minute from being impaled and saving his parents from grieving for their only child.

Shark was now standing and no longer unconscious except he looked drained and about to collapse once more from his faulty, trembling legs.

"No, not him too," she cried out, caught off guard once more.

She had to act fast if she was to be victorious. She had to make sure they were confined and not able to recall all they had learned in the distant past she knew them from.

Troy ran over to Shark and said, being brave, "Let's send her back to where she came from."

Together the two summoned spheres of water and wind with their right hands, moulding them from a river and blustery winds to a force of sheer power.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now